chapter twenty-four // make new friends, but keep the old.

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Olivia's POV

My eyelids start to feel heavy as I lean my head against the hard window of the backseat in the SUV. Exhaustion seeps from every muscle in my body, making me feel as if I had been totally drained. My fingers run through Niall's messy - and slightly sweaty - blonde hair as he's fast asleep with his head in my lap. Zayn holds his feet across his lap like a belt.

The ghost of a smile whispers across my lips as I start to doze off. This day was absolutely wonderful; necessary and wonderful.

We actually managed to get on all the rides that we wanted, with not too much disturbance from fans. Sure, they approached us more often then not, but at least there wasn't any sneaky paparazzi to bother us.

The thing that surprised me the most, were people who said they were fans of me. A few people said they watched the video of Tea and I singing and loved it. A few asked when and where I'd be performing next. Of course I mumbled something totally dorky in return and ended up being my usual weird self.

But all in all, I couldn't have asked for better friends to take me for a better day.


My cellphone rings from in my pocket, causing both Niall and I to jump in the air. I quickly grab it and answer it before it totally wakes the extremely tired Niall out.

"Hello?" I answer, my voice scratchy and groggy, sounding absolutely pathetic.

"Where are you? I called your parents and they said you'd be at your house." Tea's usualy voice rings out, causing me to wake up a bit more, "Don't tell me you forgot about our plans," She groans, "Olivia Watson, I'm going to literally kill you. I will show you no mercy when I place my fingers around your windpipe and watch your stupid life leave your eyes," She goes off on her little rant, like she always does.

I sit up a bit straighter, doing my best not to move Niall.

Shit. I had forgotten all about my rescheduling with Tea. She was supposed to come over for dinner and then we were going to go out. All that drama with Tate and the magazine had totally wiped everything else from my brain.

"Of course I didn't forget," I lie through my teeth, cringing, "I'll be at my house in a bit, I had to run somewhere," I continue to lie, earning a few confused looks from the boys. I hold up a finger, letting them know I'll explain in a moment.

"Alright, well the longer you take, the more food of yours I'm going to eat," She grunts before hanging up.

I drop my phone into my lap, scratching my head. I've been such an awful friend to Tea lately. I'm either working, or busy with Harry. The last time I saw her was when she had to kidnap me from work.

"How long until we get home?" I ask Louis, "I forgot I had plans with my friend Tea tonight," I frown, feeling bad for rushing home after they treated me to an extremely special and thoughtful day.


"Good lord, woman!" Niall complains as he tosses and turns in my lap as my phone rings loudly in his ear.

I pick it up and answer it quickly,

"Tea, yes, I'm on my way. It's nothing to rip your panties over," I tell her, stress eating at me.

"I'd much rather rip your panties, but that's just my personal preference," Harry's deep voice rings through the phone, dripping with amusement.

Immediately my cheeks turn pink as I feel the embarrassment hit me like a ton of bricks. This is why I should never do anything when I'm feeling flustered.

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