Call me in 20, I'm watching Ocean's 8 [Part two]

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Things that come in pairs----





One Brain

One heart----


Two hearts

One heart that beats----

Just for it's other half

- theCuppedCake

Though one might question, if so then why don't the two halves find each other and stay happy together? Why won't the two hearts we have easily unite without a fight?

Know why?


If it were so easy to find you're other half, to unite with it,

Then one wouldn't know the value of the bond

That love has wound, even if the hearts were world's beyond

For love is strange

Cause it brings forth change

And the melding of souls it will arrange

For it is nothing but an heart's exchange

An heart for an heart

That is the mischievous art

Of the blind Cupid's dart.

Coldmess Chapter 28


{Asher's Pov}

"Can we not talk about this when I'm done and not really embarassed by the thought of you seeing me naked." I said feeling very very embarassed in the position I was. I couldn't clearly see Zeus's face cause of the darkness but his eyes seemed to be darker than usual and his gaze something that gave me a tingly sensation in my stomach.

I bit my lip at the feeling I had in the pit of my stomach, coursing through me towards my chest and spreading upwards as I watched Zeus.

Before I could gather what I was feeling, Zeus's lips collided on mine and I gasped at the forceful contact. Clearly I shouldn't have done that cause Zeus's tongue invaded my mouth and I could taste a slight tinge of cocoa as his tongue invaded my gaping mouth unceremoniously.

My eyes fluttered shut as I felt my stomach churn as he cupped my face. The first kiss I had from Cason had been tender and hadn't went this far and all of my focus began shifting to the strong and wet muscle I had in my mouth that sucked my own passionately.

Finally after some noticeable time, my senses began to reboot and the whole situation began to settle in my brain. ZEUS DUMAS WAS KISSING ME IN MY BATHROOM AND I ALSO HAPPENED TO BE NAKED AS THE DAY I WAS BORN WHILE HE DID SO.

This is CRAZY!!! My mind shouted as I kept my hands on his muscular chest and pushed him away.

He opened his eyes as I broke the kiss staring into his eyes in slight shock. I was clueless about what to feel when the most desirable man in the town was sitting out of my bathtub looking at me with a passion I knew all too well.

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