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{Asher's Pov}

It's been almost two weeks since my embarassing and slightly sassy encounter with Zeus. In past two weeks, I was able to distance myself from Cason, yes he's haunting my thoughts much more strongly as I barely go more than ten minutes without thinking of him but I've managed to minimise my interaction with him.

The next day after I insulted Zeus, he called and thankfully didn't demand for paying up for his pants which I found out were not as costly as I thought, they'd only require 3/4th of my savings lol.

Zeus called me next day and we've met two times after that, me still feeling too embarassed for my behaviour. Apparently, his ego, as I had noticed was hurt but at the same time he felt happy to meet someone who wasn't one of his classic stereotypic friends. Yep, he's still a mean and arrogant brat according to me but I think he can be good at times that is when he wants to which is almost never.

The reason I'm telling this is because Zeus was arranging for a talent competition in town and to portray his apology, had me participate along with him. The arrogant guy was gonna play a solo guitar but now I'm gonna be singing along with him. That's why we had the second meet, to decide our practice schedules and guess what, we got selected in the semi finals and today we're doing selections for the finals.

No, I'm a very awkward person if you're thinking I'm good at performing in competitions. Hell, I froze during a group dance while our annual day in my previous school, in turn making three girls trip over me. That's what I told Zeus as well and my dearly stupid friend Faith, but given the way I retorted in our first meet, both of them convinced me to participate.

I know Zeus only agreed to include me in his performance as an apology and is trying to be a friend but I really wanna keep the number of people I like to a minimum and hence we're just gonna be partners for the competition, after that I'll be parting my ways and hopefully never meet him.

The truth is, he's similar in a few ways to Cason and that bugs the hell out of me. Besides, Cason taking his place as the head quarterback and being seen with his ex, I think her name's Stacey... It only adds more to my dismay.

For now, until the competition I'm just gonna ignore the resemblances and focus on my studies and practice. Besides I've barely talked to Zeus about anything other than the competition and songs. Even his taste in music is similar to Cason, I know right, life just tries to make me more miserable. I minimised interacting with Cas, tried to get some space from him to forget but what do I get, another Jock who freaking does almost everything that reminds me of Cas.

Irked by my thoughts I groaned in the passenger seat I was sitting in.

"What now? It's alright Asher, you'll do well in the competition" Doris said in a calm voice.

Doris was dropping me to the venue for the semi finals where nine finalists would be selected and would participate in the grand concert two weeks later which was themed as 'Nine TEENS'.

"Thanks for the motivation D." I said wryly. He didn't even know what I was going through. It's really stressful when you avoid someone only to be reminded of them by the something you're using to distract yourself. It's not Doris's fault though, it's mine. I should tell him about me but I can't find it in me to do so.

About five minutes later Doris pulled up in front of the stadium where the concert was gonna take place. We got out silently and soon found a really hyper Faith and an impassive Ivara waving at us. Doris left my side to be with them in the audience but he ensured if I needed him. Such a sweet guy right. People think that guy bestfriends are usually boisterous, obnoxious and loud and really never portraying their caring side so freely but when it came to me and Doris, we showed our care directly towards each other. A slight guilt passed over me knowing that Doris and I were so close and yet so far as I hadn't told him.

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