The Twelve Zodiacs.

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{Asher's Pov}

Today Faith and Doris had bailed on school cause of the test that was gonna be taken by Mrs K.( our physics teacher) and Ivara had went to an interstate spell bee. Great I'm alone today.

Lydia, the Queen bee or something what Faith called her was coming this way. Way to go. Lydia wasn't typically a brat, atleast not as much the bitchy person that we have in stereotypes but well, she had a lot of faking to do.

"Hey Asher!!!"

She spoke first, she definitely wants something.

"Morning Lydia" I said trying to sound cheerful.

"Could you pleeeaassee help me with the bio journal?" she asked elongating the please too much than necessary. Ha I was right, she's stuck with bio again.

Lydia and I weren't friends but we were good enough of acquaintances given that I had many a times helped her with biology. Ok bio as in the subject, no pun intended. Curse you Faith for corrupting my innocent mind.

Anyways Lydia was a rock when it came to the subject but I put up with it while helping her out, I'm too good to leave someone who really needs help.

I rolled my eyes at Lydia. "I'm not gonna complete you're journal, I have to complete mine but I can help ya."

Her barbie like face dropped, her big eyes battling their long lashes as she was thinking about my offer. I knew she'd take it anyways.

Giving me a pout in a last attempt to compel me, she gave in."Fine, after school or if we get a free period and Zac isn't on my attention list then."

"Alright." I said giving her an annoying smirk to which she shook her head. Well looks like queen bee's rule doesn't have me under her.


Mrs. K, seeing that half the class was bunking called off the test and gave us a free period. Which as I had agreed with Lydia, ended up with both of us sitting in the back bench completing our journals.

Well regards to me I only had to fill up a table whereas she had to write a whole experiment with a table and two diagrams. So basically after explaining her the jist of it I had no work to do.

So I decided to text Ceasar. So far the week was being nice.

'Hey' I texted him.

Suprisingly he was alive. That's new.


'Ssup?' I shifted slightly farther from Lydia who was trying to make the diagram of a cockroach which looked more like a candy man candy. That girl seriously needs practicing.

'I'm on a date.'

'Oh sorry for disturbing ya.' I texted. Atleast someone was having a good time.

'Actually, Lex's bro is here, we met by accident so currently m free'


'what are ya upto?'

'In school, have a free period and some time for tp...'


'And m thinking of Cas...' I texted cringing at the truth.

'Thought so, the mind usually wanders to the places it likes when it's unoccupied.'

'I guess Lex's absence makes ya philosophical.'


'You should talk to Cason uk, like show him you miss him"

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