1500 hours. [Part two]

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Hey people, warning:long chapter ahead.
To get an idea who the person up is, read the special A/N at the end of the chapter. Enjoy!!!

PS: The A/N later is slightly...okay very long than I generally like but I would love if you read it whole... :,)

{Cason's Pov}

I was feeling a bit better after my chat with Ash, though I lied to him I think we're good to go. That night at the reunion, Tyler had mocked me for being friends with Asher and even called him things which were far from true. Tyler had always been jealous of Asher cause Josephine preferred Ash over him, anyone would. All of Tyler's life was just a show off of his snobish wealthy ass but the guy himself was a fucking pig with less brain cells than a donkey. The moment he'd started speaking those things about Ash, my blood had started boiling and I think Matthew took notice of it and intervened or I'm sure I'd have knocked out the living daylights out of Tyler.

So after that we'd been sitting and listening to Mr. Smith ramble on and the text of Asher was slowly cooling me down until I saw Daniel's Instagram post. He had posted a picture of working out and tagged Ash; what the heck!!! And that's how idiot me had ended up avoiding Asher the rest of the night.

But it was definitely a wrong move as I saw the hurt in those coffee brown eyes, the hurt cause of me wherein it was never even my motive. I was just avoiding Asher so as to not last out, cause well I was feeling...jealous and possessive. I had seen Ash look down when I had attempted to give him a smile and the lost puppy look he sported had crumbled my resolve to avoid him whereas he was the only thing that was on my mind. Cause I was thinking of him, I had even failed our treasure hunt team wherein Josephine had taunted me on not paying attention as she had to do all the brain work regarding the clues. After that I had twirled Josephine and felt guilty for using my best friend just to calm my jealous hormones and turned around to walk to Ash, but he was gone. I picked up my phone to call him but it was dead. Damn it, where is he I had actually said aloud earning a secretive knowing smirk from Josephine. Now what the hell is wrong with this girl with all the suggestive gestures, she can't possibly know of my feelings towards Ash...right?

So after mulling over my actions the next day and desperately waiting for Ash to text, he finally did text on Tuesday. It wasn't much but it was enough for me to know that he thought I was mad at him where in truth I was just mad at myself for being a jerk, I hurt him and that was making me angry at myself, I've never felt so strongly about anyone before and I want to right this. I also realised that Daniel's post was basically his thanks to Ash for motivating him two years back to join the gym which had resulted in him going up from the lowest parts of the social ladder to the highest within the span of a single summer.

All these thoughts were tiring me and I ended up getting exhausted so here I was, getting dragged to a party by Daniel. He wasn't much interested in partying himself, he just went to them to keep the whole jock act together and I usually avoided parties giving some or other excuses.

But apparently, today wasn't one of the usual days and here I was as Daniel thought I was feeling lonely or something cause of my low key depressed mood. The party though was a good distraction and I actually felt myself relax a bit. I let myself sway to the techno music and was dancing with strangers, two girls were deliberately trying to grind on me but were completely ignored on my end. I was used to the lustful acts many of the girls put up by now so it didn't bother me, besides at a point of time I actually did like the physical attention I got, not so much since the past few months.

Just then I saw a familiar head pass from the corner of my eye. No it's just my imagination, he doesn't go to parties, I thought to myself. Yet I couldn't ignore it and ended up following the curly black haired head to the door with my gaze.

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