1500 hours. [Part one]

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{Asher's Pov}

The next day, I felt much better. I was even able to get some sleep and homework distracted me for a good amount of time.

But yet, my stupid heart couldn't think of anything else and my mind kept groping for any and every kinda thought as though why Cason acted the way he did.

Finally, exhausted by my own mind, I decided it was safe to ask him. So I took hold of my phone amd texted him.

Done that, I switched off my phone and entered my class.


School, as usual was the good part of my day wherein I was surrounded by my three musketeers...well not Doris cause he's too...umm just not a musketeer.

School, for most people my age was torture but for me, it was my safe haven where my parents didn't monitor and access my every single act and where I could act somewhat less calculated.

Currently I, Doris, Ivara and Faith were walking towards the town library.

"So..." Faith left the question hanging.

"I'll give you the briefing later after 1500 hours." Ivara replied.

"About what?" Doris asked.

"Girl-friend matter." Ivara stated.

I rolled my eyes at her, I mean I knew what they were talking about and clearly I wasn't a girl but nevermind, Ivara's reply kept the topic off limits for Doris.

"Don't you think that both of you are discussing girl matters at a high frequency these days." Doris said defying Ivara. I feel proud actually that he finally found in him the courage to cross either of the scary girls, I mean they're a bit intimidating...

Nonetheless, being caught off guard Ivara fell short of a reply and looked at Faith for help.

"It's regarding me and Gus, relationship problems" she lied as if it was really nothing. I held my hand to my head, suppressing my urge to facepalm.

I knew Doris was to some extent, well to a lot, repelled from the talk of love and relationships and surely it quitened his newfound courage, preventing him from trying to dig further. He looked at me for help but I just shrugged, faking nonchalance. God I should be an actor, acting is the best thing I do nowadays. Ok brain stop rambling.

After a while, when I had separated from the trio, who after the brief bouts of courage from Doris had decided to speak of Taylor Swift and the assignment Mrs. K had given us, I switched on my phone.

But only after reaching home did I decide to look at all the texts I had received. One was from Ceasar, the next were about some random discussion on the school's group chat and then I saw the name I was more or less waiting to see.

Cason: No...[ ⚁ ]

I opened the chat to see what he said.

Me: Are you mad at me?
Did I do something wrong?
Cas: No...
Cas: Why do you think so?
Me: Cause you didn't speak to me last night...
Cas: Nothing like that.
Me: Ok...

I put the phone on my desk thinking what Cas meant, I mean you don't behave that way with the person you meet and chat to everyday, unless you're mad at them or I don't know. God why is this so confusing.

Though it irked me for sometime, finally I felt a bit happy, believing Cas wasn't mad at me or doing the things he did deliberately, maybe it was me just overthinking and assuming. 'You think so, really?' my mind countered but I remembered Ivara's words, have a little faith, as if on cue my phone lit up, displaying a crazy pic of me and Faith, she showing her tongue and me laughing, yes in the horrendous way I do...but nonetheless looking funny and not awkward or terrible in the pic. I reminisced in the memory of that day a little before picking up Faith's call.

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