Nine it is.

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Above is the pic of an shirtless Asher.


{Asher's Pov}

I woke up the next morning feeling tired. I had a rough night as my mind replayed my conversation with mom and Cason's chat. I had tried to assure myself that Cason was busy with some work past midnight but it wasn't working to say the least.

I checked my phone to see it was four in the morning and since I wasn't getting any sleep I decided to take a shower. I took my phone and saw Cason's text.


Somehow it didn't sent the good kinda butterflies in my stomach like his texts always did.

I passed my parent's bedroom from where I could hear my dad snoring loudly, a trait I was so lucky to not inherit. He must have come home later last night I thought as I went to the fridge to get some Cadbury. Cadbury was my ultimate solution to overthinking and stress. After popping two pieces of the chocolate in my mouth I retraced the path to my bedroom.

I already felt a little better as I shut the door to my room. I switched on the heater and stripped out of my clothes quickly. I entered the bathroom and put on the shower which was very refreshing.

The warm stream of water trickled down my smooth porcelain skin turning it red as it was too hot. I liked taking hot water whenever I was disturbed and it helped me calm my nerves. With every stream moving down my bare skin, I felt my muscles relax. I quickly washed my hair with shampoo and soaped my body until there was thick lather everywhere. I shaved my five'o clock stubble remembering how Cas always insisted me on keeping it saying I looked 'killer' that way.

I washed my body soon and came out in my room with a towel around my waist as I inspected my form in the full length mirror beside my bed. My eyes were slightly red and below them were dark circles. My curly black hair was sticking out in every possible direction. My body wasn't very muscled but I had weak lines showing off on my lean body. I wondered if I was even good enough for Cas; he was a freaking god and I on the other hand looked so ordinary. I wasn't ugly, I rather had handsome features but when in comparison to my crush, I felt really inferior.

Looking away from my displeasing reflection I took out my boxers, shorts and tshirt. I dried myself and dressed quickly into the comfortable warmth of my clothes.

I took my ear plugs and inserting them in my phone, I exited my house for a necessary mind clearing walk.


The walk was a short timed affair today as I saw Zach, a college bully walk down the path I had taken. I wasn't afraid of being bullied because I could very well stand up for myslef and with the reputation me and my gang had, he'd never cross the physical bullying line. It was just that I was already a irritated by the constant chatter of my brain and I'd surely end up putting up an unnecessary fight.

As I entered my home, I realised that my dad had woken up to use the washroom and not wanting to answer any questions I quickly went to my room, locking the door behind me.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I knew it must be the owl of our extended family.

'Hey bro, ssup?'

'Yes? What do you want?' Caesar rarely texted me if he didn't have any work, I'd realized that by now but I didn't mind. I was the only person besides his three friends including his boyfriend whom he had come out to so I let him count on me.

'Hehe nothing...'

'You and Alex had an fight, didn't you? '

'Yes.... How did you know sweetheart?' Yep he definitely fought with him. I rolled my eyes as I flopped down on the bed and called him. For the first fifteen minutes my cousin kept on ranting about what a baby Alex was. I agreed but then again, Caesar wasn't any better.

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