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{Asher' Pov}

I groaned as the physics teacher, Mr. Smith aka the Devil walked in. It was the last period and the class was yet to be filled by my classmates who had went for a football match in the previous period. I had used the opportunity to do something more useful i.e. sleep.

"Good Afternoon Mr. Smith."
"Good afternoon Asher, I have a bad news though."
Usually bad news for me meant I had flunked, which I usually did in physics; mind you it was worse as I belonged to the nerds group and even topped the arts, languages, social studies and biology classes. So well, I was a topic of wonder for my physics teacher.
"Care to tell?" I asked closing my eyes for the impact of him mocking me but instead he gave me three sweet words that made my day.

"It's a proxy."

I internally squealed as he said them and left. That meant I had to inform the class which meant that I'd be mocked again to be the teacher's pet but everything was fine until physics was an off.


Cason Stafford, one of the three most popular guys of our batch entered the class. To say he was handsome would be an understatement; he was a freaking god but more importantly he was my invisible best friend; as in the school we usually were acquaintances so as to avoid the drama of breaking the populars-nerds barriers. Though lately he'd been doing that with me quite often and it wasn't a suprise when no one said anything, no one challenged the 'king of populars',  what I teased him as.

He entered the room in his usual carefree manner, giving me a grin that many of my classmates craved for,  showing all his white teeth. His high cheekbones and angular features were slightly sweaty, hinting that he'd have a good game on the field. His brown eyes were gleaming with something close to mischief as he stroked his wet black hair to style them.

"Hey Asher! Slept well?" he asked teasingly in his god-like voice.
"Yep, physics is an off by the way," I replied. His grin stretched as he took his backback from his usual seat and put it on my bench. Since I was a first bencher, not just cause I was a nerd but also cause I was short, usually I'd sit alone or with Josephine who was absent today.

Slowly the class filled in, my table getting crowded as people assembled around Cason. Soon enough, our Geography teacher entered the class.
"Now that everyone's here, I am gonna be taking this lecture so as to take a revision for your coming test," she announced. A few groans were heard but everyone compiled as she gave a glare. Mrs. Nora was a short, brown haired lady with curly hair and a fair complexion, she was sweet yet had an authorative demeanor and liked by all the students. This was my last year in this school and I was going to miss her the most or so I thought.

Cason shifted near to me as he put a hand around my shoulders casually, I was used to it by now so I didn't mind.

Mrs. Nora put out a PowerPoint presentation to revise the chapter and I could feel half the students sleep as the room grew dark.
About 5 minutes later, Cason removed his hand to scribe a note but what followed was what I never imagined.

Cason put his left hand on my right thigh and gave a gentle squeeze. I looked at him questioningly but he only returned a smirk moving his hand up and down my thigh and looking at the board with an nonchalant expression.

To be honest, I didn't know what to do and I was confused as hell since I'd never been touched like that ever before. His hand firmly gripped my thigh making me squirm a bit before I realized that Mrs. Nora was asking me a question. She repeated it and I gave the right answer as I'd already learnt it, to which Cason smirked evily. His hand continued rubbing my thigh, slowly going upwards. Cason used to flirt with me but I'd always thought it was what he naturally did. I kept a neutral face (tried to) the whole time, the lecture went on, me giving Cason sideglances noticing that he looked me straight in the eyes everytime I did. The ringing of the school bell signaling school was over broke the spell Cason had on me. He took away his hand eyeing me curiously and then smiling to himself. He ruffled my hair saying "See ya" before leaving the class with others. Though just before he left he looked back, with something like adoration and respect in his eyes before waving to me.

I sat there dumbfounded,  until Mrs. Nora asked "Are you alright Asher, you seem distracted today, are you sick?"
"Umm no, I'm fine, just tired I guess," I replied trying to sound bored as she left me with a smile, all alone in the empty class.

That's when I said "What the hell did just happen?"

Dear reader, firstly thank you so much for opening up this story and checking it out. Now there seems to be a glitch in Wattpad so the order for the chapters is

Sorry, you're not the first
Second thoughts
And it's an hatrick
The four horsemen
Sixth Sense and
Then there's a glitch at 21 forever, which is chapter 21
Winter solstice gala being 22 nd chapter
It's 11pm in my world being the 23rd and
Christmas Eve being 24th

I guess the rest of the chapters are in sequence. So enjoy! You can even find this story on Webnovels now.

It was my dear friend Isabella1grey who asked me to try writing a different forte in romance and I hope I'll be able to do justice to this book.

I'd love if you accompanied me in Asher's journey.

Loads of love and please do not forget to comment and vote.

PS: This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to another character or a real life person is completely coincidental. And I'd love if my original work wasn't copied but sure, if you wanna use my characters, dm me first. Please don't support Plagiarism, it's a disgusting offence. Thank you.

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