Sunday the thirteenth!!

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Above pic of Andrea, long chapter ahead guys, I'd say enjoy but I think its more like CRY!!!


(Asher's Pov)

Currently I was rushing to the venue of the reunion and all my arrangements regards to my hair and clothes were rushed.

Our neighbor Mrs. Craig had went into labour the very morning. Her husband is in the Marines and she stays with her mother in law who wasn't very fast and strong given that she is nearly 75.

So I being the good person I am, ended up accompanying the groaning woman to the hospital wherein her groans had turned to desperate screams.

Normally people would be bothered but hey, I myself was planning to become a doctor so I had developed the required patience already.

There, after seven hours of intense pains and a lot of cursing towards her non present husband, she gave birth to a big fat boy.

Hence now I was late to the reunion. Besides that Cason hadn't called since three days. I tried to cheer up my spirits but all in vain. I realised how Cason had somehow over the past few months become so important to me. He had always been an important friend but never one of the key factors for my happiness. Apparently not anymore.

Pushing the exhaustive thoughts out of my mind I reached the destination. I could see few of my ex classmates chatting away. Most seats were taken already since it was a semi formal gathering.

I sat next to George at the last row. I felt slightly dizzy cause of all the running I had to do today but seeing that cute little baby, I found it all to be worth.

I smiled as I remembered how Mrs Craig held her baby and thanked me for the help.

"Hey bro!! Long time no see!!" George chirped as he saw me.

"Hey!" I said trying to appear cheerful.

I spotted Josephine seated in the front row along with other girls. She was much more outgoing now than back when we were together in school.

Cason was sitting along with Matthew a few rows ahead. Jake, one of my other close friends was a row ahead of me and Stella, Andrea and Rachel, my other friends were ahead with Josephine.

"Hey dude, where were you?" Jake asked me as he took a seat beside me.

"Don't ask, I was helping someone out."

"You're still the same, aren't you."

" In most things..." I said, my eyes drifting towards Cason. I didn't know why but as soon as my eyes found his head, he turned around, his gaze meeting mine as a huge smile began to form on both of our faces.

Tyler, the last person on earth I'd be with, just then went to Cas and shook his hand. Cason's smile faded as Tyler said something to him to which Matthew scolded him for.

Jake was still observing me when I looked at him.

"What?" I asked sheepishly.

"You seem flushed" he stated.

"I rushed here cause I was late, maybe cause of that..." I suggested. Maybe it was also because, I don't know, seeing Cason did that to me.

"Did you get the hand band for the games later?" Jake asked.


So he gave me an orange one, which matched his. Suddenly all I wanted to do was see which one Cas, Andrea and Josephine had got. It was indeed probable, they were my friends.

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