Sorry, but you aren't the First

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{Asher's Pov}

"Ok do you remember the wattpad novel I'd told you bout back in the summer, it's related to that..." I groaned as Ivara gave me a thoughtful look before saying "Umm is it something to do with you telling me about that romance you read and told me of?"

"Yes... Can you guess more specifically?" I asked nervously.

"No, now you gotta tell me cause what I think might sound offensive."

"No it won't, please tell me what's your guess."

"Nope, please just tell me already, spill the beans and stop beating around the bush like you've been doing since past half an hour!!" she whined irritated.

"Fine, please don't hate me," I chocked on my words, I had kept this a secret for so long and I was finally telling someone that I trusted enough. I knew it could ruin our friendship but I had faith in ours, hence the decision to tell Ivara.

"I'm bi." I muttered so slowly that I doubt even I could hear it. Yes people I was coming out to Ivara, my closest friend that I made in my junior year, the one I trusted the most.
"Umm ok..." She replied dryly.

"Just Ok? Do you hate me or something, say something." I said looking at her.

"No you dumbo, why would I hate you? I mean yes it's a lot to take in but I'm happy that you told me," she said smiling at me.

"You're taking it very well than I expected," I said giving a small smile of my own.

"Well I had my doubts..." she said with a secretive smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, just that I sorta doubted you weren't straight...Sorry if this makes me judgemental."

"It's fine, I just want this to remain a secret that's why I asked. Besides, I decided to tell you about a month back while I watched Vampire Diaries, when Bonnie tells Elena her secret of being a witch, I realised that I needed to tell you so I'd decided that I'd tell seeing a good chance of you being relaxed."

"Wow...gee thanks Asher that you think so, I'm kinda happy that you trusted me to share this with. Am I the first to know?"

"Sorry, but you aren't the first. My cousin came out to me two days back so even I kinda did," I replied scratching the back of my neck.
"Hmm..." Ivara gave me a look to go on.

"What happened is, we were texting like we normaly do and then I... we started chatting on the topic of being weird and his secret spilled out, so even I told him, but honestly I wanted you to be the first person to know."

"It's that I know, I finally think I have someone to discuss boys with, not that I'm into many but again..." she gave a sly smirk.

As my secret telling part was done, yes, for one of the first times in my life, Ivara Wentsworth behaved like a teenage girl she was.
"So how many guy crushes have you had, since I'm assuming you've never been in a relationship as we all know it."

"Firstly, I didn't know you were gonna turn into a normal teenage girl after this," I replied bursting out laughing.

"Hey!! I may not show it but I'm a teenage girl," she said in an amused voice as she punched my forearm.

"Ok ok sorry, my bad. Never saw you acting like one so just couldn't control it," I said giving her a wink.
"As for my crushes, I have had three to be precise, two guys and a girl, the one you know about."

"Hmm,.....nice and interesting." She said as she asked about the guys. The conversation went on as I told her who they were. Ofcourse the first one turning out to be Cason and the other a guy from our college, anyways I was over the three or so I thought.


It was evening now and Ivara had left an hour ago. It was Friday night so she would be back in about 15 minutes or so. My other two best friends who completed my popular/nerd gang would be here too.

Faith Grey was the second most trusted one in my life and I knew that I'd be telling her what I told Ivara soon but not just yet. While Ivara was a nerd in and out with an olive skin and a oval face, her caramel eyes were usually behind her round glasses. Ivara reminded me of Velma from Scooby-Doo in our initial days of bonding. Ivara was tall and well built and never really interested in guys, a Percy Jackson lover and an ardent reader with an heart blessed with daring for she was my partner in crime, I know not so nerdish right. Faith on the other hand, had an slightly angular face, she was tall too but not as much as Ivara, nonetheless taller than me, I was 5'3 !!! I know that's really short for a guy but hey I tried my best if I can say so to increase my height. Faith had a brown fair tone with deep brown eyes under princess like eyes, the kind Disney movies have with thick lashes and pink lips. She too was well built but a nerd on the outside and a wild crazy gal on the inside, who apparently wasn't very daring.

Before Faith and Ivara, I'd only been close to Josephine, God I missed her but as I changed school, we grew farther apart. Josephine was a beautiful girl with dark straight hair and a fair tone. She had thick eyelashes and was almost the same height as me yet I hadn't related to her as much as I could to Ivara and Faith.

Cason and Josephine both left the school as well and were far closer than I was with either of them, so I kinda was a third wheel whenever we met for our birthdays or some occasions. But now, in last two years I'd made two loving bestfriends whom I could trust.

Doris Cinapolis was the fourth one of our group, he was a good friend and the first one in all the three people I'd come to call myself as a gang with but he was a child and never really the close kind, nonetheless a good friend as I called him. Yeah his name was the fun part, he was named after his aunt. He was a tall guy, about 6 ft maybe, with an panicking attitude and a slim frame. He usually had a beard cause he was too lazy to shave, yeah he was the laziest ass amongst us. Attitude wise, he liked playing ball but that was the only thing he had in common with the jocks, he hated reading, even I doubt how he was our friend and intimidating cause of his thick skull at times. Plus, he was shy, like me but more at times and the scaredy cat of our gang, he mostly never even knew the pranks and law breaking I and Ivara did cause we were afraid he would die of hyperventilation if he did. And the most hilarious part was, he could not talk with a girl, sometimes I pitied him but it was always fun to watch him get awkward around girls; to be honest he only talked with Faith and Ivara because we were friends.

As I reminiscenced in these thoughts, 15 minutes had passed and my gang was at my door. I joined them and we left for a movie night at Faith's place. I'd thought that things wouldn't be same when I and Ivara met after my coming out to her but no, they didn't. Finally someone knew and she didn't treat me any different. I hoped good things would happen in future. Little did I know that after tonight, my whole life would start turning upside down.

Hey guys,
I know I haven't updated Bewitching in like forever, I'm terribly sorry for that and I'll be updating much frequently hence forth.

I hope you enjoy this story. Please vote if you do and comment people.

Chapter dedication to faith1grey for the help and motivation.

Now like one of my favorite authors ( it's the one of library love: kpgcatlover) here on wattpad I'm gonna be asking a question at the end of each update and the one who gives the best answer gets a dedication in the next chapter.

So the question is
" What is your favorite pet?"

Tbh I've always wanted to have a cobra, a snow Leopard, a phoneix, a parrot and an white Tiger.

Hey, it could be anything...

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