On the Eleventh Hour??

177 16 15

{Asher's Pov}

Cas followed me to my room. Under normal circumstances I would have had a more nervous approach to the fact but right now I was too tored to care.

I opened the door to my room and Cas followed my suit.

Quickly I went to the closet and took out the most loose t-shirt and the biggest shorts I had and handled them to Cas.

"Here, you can wear these..." I said handling him my clothes.

"It's alright, I'll manage."

I just gave him a pointed look and he yielded. Apparently no one messed with me when I was hungry or sleepy and it seems Cas wasn't going to as well, besides he was too tired to be putting up any resistance.

I took out another pair for me to wear and went to the bathroom calling out to him "You can take the closet, I'll change here."

"Yes sir!!"Cas replied in a sergeant's voice as he chuckled.

I shook my head and quickly changed my clothes. I realised that they had the faint smell of Cason's Cologne on them and was reminded of the compromised position we were in the bus.

Normal best friends may help each other by becoming a bed for one another but the way Cas was holding me told a completely different story. A blush crept to my cheek as I remembered how he's face was brushing my neck when I opened my eyes.

I flashed cold water on my face rapidly as I tried to convince myself that it was nothing but a coincidence, Cas wouldn't like me that way was a fact for me for so long but only that I'd forgotten my growing emotions for the secretive best friend, which probably were the reason behind such thoughts steming from my mind.

I came out of the washroom asking Cas to have it if he wanted to use it but stopped midway as I saw him sleeping on the couch in my apparel snoring lightly and his clothes neatly folded and kept on my desk.

My biggest tshirt was probably the size of his smallest one. It hugged his torso tightly but by the look of it, he seemed comfy and my shorts were big enough for him to call his. Whush...

I realised how bad a host I would be and willed myself away from the bed towards the snoring figure.

"Hey Cas, wake up, get into the bed." I whispered as I moved him.

"Is it morning already?" he groaned as he opened his eyes.

"Nope, get in the bed, the sofa isn't that comfortable." I stated in a voice I knew he wouldn't ignore.

He got up quickly and asked me "What about you?" in a slightly irritated raspy voice.

"I'll take the couch, I'm used to it."

Before I could finish the sentence he pulled me towards him and jumped into my bed.

"If I don't get to use the sofa, then you don't as well" he said in a sleepy tone.

I was too tired to handle the situation and hence, without bothering to reply I let myself drift off in Cason's arms.


I felt so rejuvenated in the morning as my natural alarm to get up woke me. The sun rays filtering through my window warmed my face and my room.

I smiled to myself remembering the night before and unable to remember the last sleepy bits of it.

I felt something strange though, someone had put something heavy on my left side of body and I willed my eyes to open against the bright sunlight to look what was bothering me.

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