Chapter eighteen

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The gorgeous smell of mouthwatering pancakes and bacon woke me from my slumber. I groggily sat up in the huge bed and looked to the side of me to see Jack sleeping peacefully.

I smiled at the sight. His mouth was slightly open as soft snores passed through his lips and his eyelashes that I'm completely jealous of, cast shadows on his cheeks as they fluttered.

There's absolutely no denying that he was handsome; breathtakingly so. As I studied his features, my stomach let off a growl. Sighing, i threw the warmth of the covers from my legs and padded over to the kitchen.

As I walked in, I was greeted by the sight of Sam cooking breakfast for us. Shirtless.

I was practically drowning the minute my eyes locked sight of his figure. His back muscles contracting deliciously as he tended to the food. God he was hot.

He must've noticed my presence as he turned away from the cooker to greet me with a cheeky grin.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I giggled at his cuteness and jumped up on the counter beside him.

"Sleep well?" he asked. I nodded eagerly; that bed was like a cloud, no lie.

"What're you doing up so early?" my voice was thick with sleep as I spoke.

"Couldn't sleep." he simply said. I nodded, understanding completely. I often had sleepless nights; my mum always called me a night owl.

"The foods nearly ready, will you wake the others for me?" I jumped down from the counter and walked to where the joys bedrooms were, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

I first went to the room I slept in last and gently shook Jack awake. He mumbled incoherently before his eyes fluttered open.

"I'll be there in two mins." he whispered before his head fell back on the pillow. I chuckled lightly at his childish behaviour whilst making my way to the next room over which happened to be Jack J's room.

He was easier to wake; pulling the covers from his thankfully clothes body made him bolt awake. He might not like me for it but it got the job done.

I then walked to Nate's room as Johnson walked to the kitchen, Gilinksy no where to be seen.

I gently pushed Nate's door open, wincing as it creaked loudly. I tiptoed over to his bedside and gently nudged his shoulder.

"Nate wake up." I said softly but he didn't even flinch. Sighing, I pushed him even harder; this time he began to stir causing me to smile triumphantly.

I turned to walk away when his tan arm reached out and pulled me onto his shirtless body. Well that was a surprise.

I squirmed in his hold, not enjoying our close proximity one bit.

"Morning." his sleepy voice was hot I'm not going to lie but it didn't make me like him anymore.

"Erm morning." I replied in a strained tone.

I fidgeted furiously before he let me go. I brushed my shirt down and adjusted my shorts before turning on my heel and practically running to the kitchen.

The other guys were all say around munching on the food when I joined them; immediately digging into the plate laid before me.

I moaned in appreciation. Was Sam a professional cook or something? Because this was freaking delicious!

Sam smirked at my reaction, proud that he could provoke it from me.

I quickly demolished the food and seconds before announcing that I was going to shower.

On my way to the shower, I grabbed my phone from where Johnson put it on charge for me. I unlocked it to find a text from my mum wanting to spend the day with me. I replied with an eager yes and headed to the shower.

It was a quick wash, quickly rubbing the shower gel all over my body and rinsing it off; not needing to wash my hair as I washed it yesterday when we had the food fight.

I hopped out too find clothes waiting for me. There were some grey joggers and a black T-shirt waiting for me on the counter. I chucked them on, reaching for my phone and departing from the bathroom.

As I strolled back to the kitchen, detangling my hair with my fingers due to my lack of hairbrush, I could hear muffled shouting.

I pushed the door open to see Gilinksy, Nate and Sam all squared up to one another with Johnson stuck in the middle.

The door hit the wall when i opened it, catching everyone's attention. Their furious gazes glued to me, making me gulp.

"He saw you naked?!"

"You kissed him?!"

"He was in our room last night?!"

They all shouted at once to me.

Oh shit.

Authors note

Hope you enjoy this. Please comment what you think and vote! Thanks for reading! X

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