Chapter fifteen

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To say Sam screams like a girl would be an understatement.

The film had barely begun and he was already whimpering with the duvet pulled up to his chin. The rest of us were fine as we watched the screen trying to ignore him but it's when he screamed and threw the popcorn all over me that I had to say something.

"Oh for the love of God, man up!" I shouted at him, brushing the popcorn from my hair and lap. His wide eyes turned to look at me as the rest of the boys sniggered at my annoyance.

"B-b-but it's scary." he whispered sounding like a little boy. I sighed, stroking my forehead as annoyance flooded my senses.

"Then go and cuddle Johnson. I can't deal with wimps." I stood up letting the duvet fall from my body and stormed over to Jack's single duvet. We switched places and settled back down, resuming film.

As I watched the movie and munched on my popcorn it suddenly dawned on me that I was slap bang in the middle of Jack G and Nate. If this wasn't a metaphor for our current situation then I don't know what is.

I ignored our positioning and left my eyes glued to the screen before me. I aimlessly delved into the bowl of popcorn that laid on my lap but came in contact with something warm instead of popcorn like. Oh my god. Could this get anymore cliché?!

It was Jack's hand. Are you serious? I felt like my life was slowly becoming a movie.

I recoiled my hand from his and gave up on my mission for popcorn.

As I rested my hands on my lap, he shuffled closer to me; unnoticeable to everyone else due to the dim lighting.

I could feel his hot breath on my neck sending shivers down my spine and raising goosebumps all over my body. My stomach clenched as he let his soft lips delicately brush against my skin before whispering hotly in my ear.

"I hate seeing you in other boys clothes. I'd prefer to see you in mine," he nibbled my earlobe softly, "or none at all." I held my breath as he spoke; his words effecting me more than I wanted to let on.

He chuckled in my ear before leaning over more than he needed to, getting some popcorn and throwing it his mouth; chewing with a smirk as he watched me all flustered from his words.

How can such a sweet boy say such dirty things? He never fails to surprise me.

My face didn't seem to cool down at all as I focused on the film. I was barely paying attention anyway, I just needed something to take my mind away from Jack's lingering words.

I felt a cool breeze on my thigh that was suddenly replaced with heat. Perplexed as to what it could be, I cast my gaze downwards to find Nate's hand on my leg. Really? Can I maybe catch a break from their advances?

He must've noticed that I realised it was him as he squeezed my thigh firmly before letting his fingers draw random patterns on my skin. I made no attempt to move it; not because I was enjoying it but because I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

I guess since all of the boys have started trying to win me over, I've kind of realised that I'm not particularly attracted to Nate. I see him more as a big brother type figure who's really attractive. Nothing more.

It was when his fingers began to move upwards that I started to panic. Why does he always have to push the boundaries?

His touch was almost near my sensitive area when I abruptly jumped up, causing all of the boys eyes to lock on me.

I felt my face heat up for what felt like the hundredth time this evening.

"I need go pee." I exclaimed in the most unladylike manner, before almost running to the bathroom. I quickly got inside and locked the door; walking over to the sink and leaning on it. I sighed. This was taking its toll on me and it was only the second day.

I looked up into the mirror and saw an extremely flushed Lily. I decided to cool myself down by throwing some cold water over my face and gently patting my skin dry with a towel that I found resting on the side of the bathtub.

I sat down on the toilet lid for God knows how long before I heard a knock.

"Come in." I spoke hoarsely as I reached to turn the lock.

Jack J popped his head round before joining me inside the bathroom.

"What happened back there? Everything was normal and then bam! you jumped up and ran away." I sighed.

"They're doing it again. I can't even watch a film without them trying to win me over. I'm not used to this attention from boys, I don't know how to handle it and not to mention how uncomfortable some of it makes me feel! I feel like a prize to them. I just don't know Jack." I poured out everything, feeling the weight being relieved from my tense shoulders straight away.

Jack didn't say anything, just pulled me into a hug which spoke for him.

He was there for me and you don't know how much I need him right now.

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