Safaree Jr

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"Yes, Ayden?"

"I want Safaree"

"I already told you he's not coming over this weekend"

"Why not?"

"ARYANNA PLEASE GET DOWN HERE" Nicki yelled up the stairs then they heard little footsteps

"Baby girl stop running" Faree called from the living room

"Yes daddy" she said and started to walk

"Baby what do you want to eat for dinner?" Nicki asked Aryanna once she got into the kitchen


Safaree walked into the kitchen "again baby?"

She walked to him and put her arms up telling him to pick her up. When he finally did she whispered in his ear

"Daddy, Ayden want Safaree"

"I know baby, don't tell mommy or Ayden but Safaree is on his way"

Aryanna started to giggle.

"What you laughing about that over there?" Nicki asked

"Mommy, Spaghettis" she said and gave her a dead face then ran out of the kitchen

"Safaree did your daughter just tell me to mind my business?"

They both laughed, "Faree, Ayden wants his big brother" Nicki said as the bell rang

"I know Nic" he said going to get the door

"Hey, what's up, please call your brother down before he has a heart attack"


"Safareeeeee, no yelling in my house!"

"Sorry mommy" 10 year old Safaree said walking upstairs.

"Nic... Its been 4 years now and you still haven't said anything about him calling you mom"

"What is there to say? If that's what he feels comfortable with then its cool with me" she smiled and continued to put the spaghetti noodles into the pot

"Bae he needs a mother figure. And we need to work on getting full custody"

"Nic, when Alyssa died she said she wanted him with her parents"

"Alright but that's your son, we don't see him much and I want all my babies together. Safaree is 10 and the twins are 4. They need him"

SB thought about it for a little while, he didn't know what he wanted to do. His thoughts were interrupted by a kiss, Nicki continued to kiss him while she started to unbuckle his pants.

"Mommmmmyyyyy" they heard Aryanna call from upstairs then they heard little footsteps. He buckled his belt back and waited for her to get downstairs.

"Mommy, Spaghettis?"

"SAFAREE, AYDEN. come down here" Nika yelled and they came down in no time

"Safaree I need you to watch your brother and sister while y'all eat. Me and your mother will be in the studio"

SB walked down first and Nicki closed the door behind them.

"Good idea babe, no interruptions, sound proof studio. I like the way you think"

"Nicki why you do horny lately?" he asked while laughing, "we came to work, not fuck"

Nicki rolled her eyes, "you know Biggie song Warning? I want you on that beat"

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