finally free

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[ Nic POV ]

        Now that Lauren and Cristina know about me n Faree sneaking around things are much easier. I hate hiding things from them because they're like my sisters and I would hate for them to hide things from me.

        I think me n Faree are pretty good I'm just scared for things to change. Me n Mel have been real distant but I don't mind. He's just making this break up easier on me.

[ Alyssa POV ]

        As far as everyone knows I just moved here from P.R. but that's not true, it isn't true at all. Im actually Paulas younger cousin. The asshole Safaree got her put in the crazy house so I'm here to get them back, both of them. Safaree really thinks I love him, I been faking it this whole time. Well not everything cause his sex is A1 although he hasn't been sleeping with me lately and I don't know why. But this is all for Paula. Nobody even questioned why I live in her house or anything. Idiots. I'm just waiting on Paula to give me the word to make SB break up with me because Jordan shouldn't have to wait forever.

[ Cristina pov ]

        When I woke up today I was in the worst mood ever but I don't really ever talk about my feelings. I trust these girls with my life but nahhhh I ain't gonna put my problems on them. I just hope they don't notice. We going shopping today, hopefully that'll be fun.

[ Nicki POV ]

        Me and the girls were on our way to Manhattan to shop in SoHo. I thought about asking Jelani to drive us but the train ride would be more fun. We were all goofing around on the train when I looked through the door and saw Alyssa. I don't know, sneaking behind her back with Faree has been fun, her ass has no idea.

"Nika, what you thinking about?" Lauren asked me and I just smiled.

She just laughed at me, I was so happy.

[No POV]

        The train said they have reached their stop so they all stood up and exited the train. Nicki noticed Alyssa walking hand in hand with a guy who isn't Safaree. It made her happy but then again she felt like she should say something. Nicki started to walk up to them until she realized the guy was Jordan. Nicki walked back to Cristina and Lauren.

"Nic what was that about?"

"that was Alyssa C!"

"Alyssa where? Safarees Alyssa?"

"Girl yes, walking up the stairs holding that boys hand"

"Do we know him?" Cristina asked. Nicki tried to give her a look telling her to stop. But Lauren looked at her then looked up the stairs.

"Yeah... we know him alright, C that's Jordan" she said with no emotion.

"Wow.... are you gonna tell him?"

"I think I have to... but Lauren you okay?"

"Jordan hasn't given a shit about me for months, I'm cool.... but as Safarees bestfriend that's just fucked up"

Nicki nodded in agreement. "I cant be the one to tell him"

"Nic you're his best friend" Lauren said looking at her like she was crazy

"He might think I was just being jealous"

        Cristina took Nickis phone and started to speed walk. She walked right up to Alyssa and Jordan and took two pictures, one from the back when they were holding hands then another from the front just to show him their does. She clicked his name and sent them both then walked over to Nicki and Lauren. The girls sat in Cold Stone eating their ice cream.

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