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"Wait! Your kid goes to school here too?" Mama Carol slowly looked up as she got out of the car. At first she didn't recognize it but it was a lady she worked with today at the hospital.

"Yeah, my daughter started here today, i must have missed your name?"

"My son started here today too, you can just call me Kay. And you're Carol right?"

"Yup! Oh here comes my daughter now"

When Ms. Cole dismissed Nicki and Safaree walked out holding hands.

"Faree I don't want to leave you yet."

"I know Nika, but I'll be here tomorrow"

They walked towards the exit still hand in hand. "Oh no" Safaree yelled causing Nicki to look at him making a crazy face. They both laughed then Nic asked him what was his problem.

"Look, that lady over there is my mother, SHE'S CRAZY!, I can only imagine what she's telling that lady about me right now."

"I'll let you know what she said tomorrow" Nicki said hugging him one last time and walking away. He was confused but then he caught on.

"Hey maaaaa" Nicki said and looked back at Safaree who couldn't stop laughing.

"Kay, this is my daughter Onika"

"Wow, she's beautiful Carol, here comes my son, Safaree come on lazy I want you to meet someone, this is Carol and her daughter Onika"

"Hello Ms. Carol" he said with a smile. And stuck his tongue out at Nicki.

They all started to get in their cars

"See you at work tomorrow Carol" Ms Kay yelled as Carol smiled and pulled off.

          When Carol pulled up to her house she saw Kay car park right in front of her, they got out and began talking again.

"I gotta stop running into you like this Carol"

Mama Carol laughed "We live right here" she pointed to the Pink house they were in front of.

"NO way, we live right here" Ms Kay pointed to a red house two houses down.

          Nicki couldn't believe it, she didn't want to leave Safaree and now she didn't have to. Mama Carol thought Ms Kay was a little strange but she didn't mind much.

"Onika? Where are you going?"

"TO SHOW FAREE MY ROOM!" Nic yelled while running up the steps with Safaree right on her heels.

        As days passed they became closer, made more and more memories. Days became weeks and weeks became years. They had a bunch of fights but more happy times than anything. They did their homework together everyday after school, they spent most days at Safarees house because Nicki liked it better.

        When they got a bit older they usually they walked to school together but one day Nika never came out her house so Safaree walked with out her, he figured she would show up to school later. All day he watched the classroom door expecting her to walk in at any minute but before he knew it the day was over. He ran home and got some things and went over to Nickis porch. It was her 10th birthday and Safaree wanted to surprise her with flowers and a heart necklace that his mom picked out. He had some pink microphone since she loved to sing and a book with a picture of them on the front but the book is empty so she can write some songs in it. He couldn't wait to see the look on her face! Safaree waited with the gifts until the street lights came on realizing she wasn't coming home.

        Safaree went over to her house after school the next day. The door was wide open. He walked in and saw everything was gone. He sat in the middle of the floor and cried, realizing he lost his best friend and didn't even get to say goodbye. 

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