Secrets Revealed (Part 1)

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        For the rest of the vacation Nicki stayed with Cristina. She didn't even talk to the guys. When it was time to buy tickets she brought her one to Atlanta and SB a ticket to New York. She didn't say anything she just got on her plane and left. But that was two weeks ago. Nicki has been living in her and Safarees apartment alone, with a secret she was supposed to tell him before the trip to California even happened.

[ flashback ]


"why should I?"

"because I'm pregnant.... "

Robert looked at Carol with disgust

"You're really such a hoe" he said shaking his head and walking out on them only to return two years later like nothing happened.

[ end of flashback ]

        Nicki was sitting on the couch eating a pickle dipped in peanut butter smiling as she played with her stomach. She hasn't left the house in about a week but she didn't care. She had on a white crop top and some sweats, she was happy. There was a knock at the door and she ignored it.

"Nika! it's me" she smiled soooo big as she rushed to the door

"MOMMMMAAAAAAAAAA" Nicki hugged her as she cried.

        They hugged for a while then finally walked to the couch and that's when Carol noticed.

*In Florida*

"Lani, pass me my phone?"

"Ever heard of please?"

"You're so annoying" Lauren said as she went to get it herself but he ran to get it first and ran out the room.

        He came back about 3 minutes later and dropped her phone on the bed and walked out. Lauren walked over and picked and saw that she had a message from Nika and Cristina. She knew that meant he found out.

*In New York*

"Please get out of my house" Cristina said

"Where should I go? I can't go home"

"well you can't stay here"

"Cristina, how long have we been friends now?"

"Safaree do I look like I care?" She asked rudely.

"Look SB, you been here for 2 weeks meaning I ain't get no pussy in two weeks so I'm a little bitter"

"you be getting bitches like that?"

"what can I say? I'm cute" they both laughed as she popped her imaginary collar and he shook his head.

"Nah all jokes aside C thanks for letting me crash here. I was gonna leave today anyways tho"

"You going back to Atlanta?"

*In Atlanta*

"Where's Safaree?" Carol asked still starring at Nickis stomach.

"Haven't seen him in about two weeks" she said dipping her pickle in th's peanut butter again before taking another bite.


"Hang on ma, my phone is ringing." Nicki got up to go get her phone.

"Hello?" Nicki answered the phone

"Nika Lani just left me" Lauren said

"OMG Laur what happened!?"

Lauren tried to reply but she was crying too much

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