Calling It A Quits

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"Its been weeks, i thought u guys would be speaking by now" safaree said as he walked into Aryannas room

"Why is he here" she replied looking up from her computer

"Baby girl you know mother had to go on tour"


[5 months earlier]

"Safaree I really don't care if you leave! Go ahead!"

"Nicki if I leave i'm never coming back" safaree replied dead serious

"So don't come back, I been seeing someone else anyway" she said as she took another sip.

Safaree stood up on the bed and looked at her with tears filling his eyes but he just walked out of the room with out saying another word.

"Daddy please don't leave you know she needs you" Ayden pleaded as Safaree walked to the closet in the hallway and grabbed a suitcase

"ARYANNA! Come help me pleaseee" he cried and when he didn't see his sister he peaked into her room to see what she was doing.

Aryanna used to sleep in Aydens room because she loved being close to her brother. As her punishment for running away Nicki forbid her from sleeping in his room and their relationship wasn't the same ever since. Aryanna found herself separating from her brother and growing them same hatred she had for her mother for her twin brother.

When Ayden walked into the room Aryanna was on the floor looking for something under her bed.

"Ary... didn't you hear me calling you" he asked walking up behind her.

"aryanna!! What are you looking for!? Whats more important than mom and dad breaking up!?" He asked with tears in his eyes. When she finally stood up she was holding a pink suitcase in her hand that she opened and placed it on her bed.

[ present day ]

"Dad can you pass me the ketchup?" Aryanna asked at dinner

"Its right next to your brother"

"Never mind... I'll get it myself. I'm not asking him for..." Safaree cut her off

"Lil girl you better watch your damn mouth"

"Yeah i know right dad" Ayden said as he ate another french fry. Both Aryanna and Safarees head snapped up and looked at him

"Isn't meek your dad? I saw what she posted on instagram... You guys are a cute lil family so I really don't know why you're here!!" Aryanna slammed her hands on the table

"Aryanna you decided to leave! Mom didn't make you do anything!" Ayden slammed his hands on the table as he stood up starring at his sister. Aryanna starred back as she stood until Safaree broke the silence

"Both of you go to your rooms"

[ flashback to 3 months ago ]

"Listen we don't have to go to court, you take what you want and i'll keep what I want" Safaree said to Nicki one day when he went over to the house.

"BABY WHERE DID YOU PUT THAT ROBE I BEEN USING?" Safaree heard a familiar man voice say. He was curious but he felt he had no right to ask.

"Dad its where she always puts it" he heard Ayden yell from a room down the hall. When he heard Ayden call another man dad he instantly got mad. Without saying another word he left the house.

Nicki didn't feel bad either. Safaree was the one who walked out on them so none of this was her fault. Okay yeah she cheated but he was supposed to love her and he didn't. Safaree wasn't supposed to hear Ayden call Meek dad but it is what it is right Safaree?

[present day]

"Ary what was that about?" Safaree asked walking into her room and shutting the door behind him.

"I don't want him here"

"Aryanna Samuels, I remember a time where you wouldn't go anywhere if Ayden wasn't there. That's your bestfriend"


"Huh?" He asked confused

"He was my best friend" she replied as she picked up he remote and turned on her music. Safaree took that as his cue so he went to check on Ayden. Before he could even fully get into the room Ayden faced the door and spoke.

"If you came in here to tell me to apologize you may as well leave because i'm not doing it"

"If thats why I was here thats exactly what you would do. Listen kid I don't know what the hell has been going on with you but I don't like it"

"I grew up"

"In 5 months?"

"Well everything else changed so why would I stay the same?"

"I didn't change son"

"You left... The dad I knew would never do that" Ayden put in his headphones and turned around.

Safaree said goodnight although his son was no longer listening. He didn't know what to do. He turned off his light and went into the living room to make a call.

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