Chapter nine

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His lips were rough against mine. I could tell he was kissing me out of desire and want instead of compassion and need. I hesitated over whether I should kiss back or not but after some internal deliberation I decided to just go for it. I mean it was Nate Maloley kissing me; when did that ever happen?

As soon as I began to move my lips, his grip on my waist tightened, bringing me even closer than before. After only a few seconds of kissing I could tell that it wasn't anything spectacular. Not in the way that he was a bad kisser, more in the way that I didn't feel anything. Not even the tiniest of sparks ignited in my stomach. No butterflies, no nothing.

We continued to kiss for a while until we both broke apart, our breathing heavy.

I was apprehensive to break the silence. I mean what was I supposed to say? Thanks for kissing me but it wasn't that great?

I looked up at Nate to see him feeling the same way as he opened and closed his mouth to speak about fifty times. His face was slightly flushed and his lips were kiss swollen; our kiss clearly noticeable. I'm sure I looked similar.

"So.. what was that?" I took the plunge and broke the silence.

"Well I wanted to leave a good impression on you. I've known you for what? a day and a bit? but I don't need that long to know you're gorgeous and a great girl. Plus, you seem to also be Sam and Jack's cup of tea so I wanted to get in there first." he spoke nonchalantly, shrugging every now and again.

I furrowed my brows as I contemplated what he just said. Sam, Jack AND Nate all like me? Wow. It's like a dream come true.

"Who says I have to get with any of you?" I challenged, cocking my eyebrow up.

"You don't, but the fact that you came to one of our shows means that you find us somewhat attractive." he pointed out.

"Touché." I nodded.

"I hope I wasn't too forward. I didn't want to scare you away or anything I just wante-" I cut him off with my hand.

"You don't have to explain yourself. But please don't treat me like a prize? I have feelings you know." I warned delicately.

"Of course." his features softened at my words.

He pulled me into his arms once again only softer this time. He engulfed me in a light hug to show me silently that he meant no harm.

I can only hope that this wasn't going to get too crazy.

Authors note

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