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I must go.

  He has been gone for a while, I know that I must escape, but, is this the best opportunity I have, should I use the burial of Daniel as a chance to leave. 

A small dresser near the door that lead to the other room. I got up, opened it, all I see is papers, stacks and stacks, and, a book, brown cover brown pages, a dusty book, words carved at the front, 

My love Yukki

With the word Taisah  before my name crossed out. I open it, read a few pages, horrified.

Now I know that he knew me way before those letters, he knew more than I could have imagined.

The papers were the letters, every, letter that I stored away. He knew where I hid them, and the book told me it all, the area he used to sneak into my home, the window he would peer into, watching me sleep at nights, the holes he made in the wall to observe, my every move. 

I look at the child once more, knowing what I had to do.

"I'm sorry that you've lived this life alone, and that you will continue to, but I have to go, I shouldn't be here. When I escape, If, I do, I will try to get help."

The child responded with a teary cheek.

I swung the front door open, so old it almost fell off. The breeze hit my bare skin, and I am feeling freer than ever.

But I cannot be, I see him in the distance coming my way, and I know he sees me.

He began running towards the cabin where I stood, but I ran into the forest, away from that place. Deeper into the forest? I do not know, but I ran, ran until I could not hear his feet crushing the leaves anymore, ran until I began to envision him instantly appearing behind me, until my paranoia created the only images that I could see.

I feel as though I am in a nightmare, in a dark place and my only light, hope that is dimly shining.

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