It's never a lie if you believe it's true

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... No answer

"Hello? who is this?"

"Mr Gene can we talk?" 

For some reason hearing her voice pounded at my chest, and not only because of the pain I heard through her words. I knew this must be a serious matter.

"Yukki whats wrong?"

"I, i'm at a motel, well, so called motel." 

I rest my hand against the the speaker and told Daniella to let her mother know ill be outside on a phone call.

"Also, tell her it's... work related"

I knew Linda would not believe that, but what difference would it make in our 'marriage'.

I left the dinner table and proceeded outside. 

"Hello? Yukki? you still there?. . . hello?"

Damn it, she hung up. I redialed the number.

"Hello? Yukki? Where exactly are you?"

"I'm at the motel 'the riches'. . ."  She began to sob "...I really need someone right now, i'm alone, and i'm, scared and..."

"Yukki it's ok, I will be over as soon as possible it's alright you don't have to be scared. Just, give me a minute to be there"

The phone call ended. When I went back inside, noone was at the dinner table. I remembered Daniella telling me something around the lines of 'Lia being sick?'

I walked to Lia's room, meeting Linda, Daniella and Danny there with Lia lying on the bed. 

"What's going on here"

"Daniel it's about time you come. Lia is not feeling well, again."

"Dad she puked on the bed"

"I need to carry her to the hospital. She keeps saying she is tired, and, she has nausea, and her head hurts. What can it be Daniel? She is never sick until two weeks ago when this started I do not know what to do  anymore Daniel Daniel I do not know anymore" 

She said in one breath and began to cry. I went towards her, took her body and pressed it against my own.

"It's ok honey, it's ok, she is alright just a little sickness. ok?"

she looks me, into my eyes, and for the first time in a long time we exchanged sweet words, yet without speaking. She is in as much stress as I am, i cannot sit here and blame her for being a wife and a hard working mother at the same time. 

"Daniel, Daniella told me you were on the phone, work related. Is it really?"

How can I lie.


But I had to. It had not matter what id say at this point, the divorce papers were on the tip of our tongues and we both knew it.

"Is everything alright there? you know we cannot lose anything else honey, you know we cant lose anymore children"

"No no sweetheart." I kissed her on her forehead.

"Not anymore, nothing is going any where. Not on my watch" 

She smiles, yet it does not fully cover the lack of hope she has in my words. 

"Well, I will take her to the hospital, eat, it's alright."

". . . Thank you honey, thank you very much"

I grabbed my wallet, car keys and a jacket then left the home.



Can you guess what's wrong with Lia?


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