The strangest life

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Year 1982

He was only four when he first 'Fell in-love'. Her name was Sabryna. He first saw her playing in the sandbox alone at break-time. Every child had their own friend to accompany them, but Sabryna sat there alone. That's how he noticed her. He approached, saying nothing, but stood there. Sabryna looks up, puts down the sandbox shovel and stood. She took his hand, lead him to the sandbox. They both sat, and it was official to him. He was, 'in-love'. As the days pass they ate lunch, played and spent much more time together. The only thing he could not figure out is why she would leave him randomly, and never told him where she would go. One day he figured it out. She was meeting up with another guy, Stanley.  As he hid behind the wall, staring at them both, he saw Sabryna hold Stanley's hand, the way she held his own. His first real anger. She lead him under the swings, looked around, and kissed him quickly, and he, was angry. Not thinking of any consequences, he ran towards Stanley, yanked him from under the swings, and kicked him as hard as he could. Stanley did not flinch as much as he wanted him to. Stanley ran away and returned with two other boys,  James and Rick. His first real fight. The pain lasted for almost two weeks. He never played with a girl again after that day, until he met, Celine. 

Year 1988

He was ten when he 'Fell in-love' again. He never noticed her until she was alone. He saw her, at her desk drawing with a yellow crayon, resting her head on her left hand.  He approached her, standing there not saying a word but admiring her hair. She looked up, and hands him a halfway eaten and slightly melted ice-pop from inside her desk. He took it, despite there being much dirt on the side. She pulled a chair near her, patting it slightly indicating to him that he should sit, and he did. He could smell her shampooed hair, it made him happy. He thought of Sabryna, wondering whether or not Celine was REALLY alone, it seemed so for the pass few days, so he declared her as his own. The first thing she said to him was that his hair was too scruffy and short. He ignored this comment, even though deep down inside it stayed on his mind for too long. Two weeks into their relationship, all he did was feel terrible for looking they way he looked because she reminded him almost everyday about his small hands, wimpy body, crooked teeth and cheap belongings.  One day she told him that there was a boy in the playground that shared his snacks with her, and that she preferred the new kid over him. he got angry, and really angry. The anger forced him to threaten her, saying her family will be burnt in a fire for leaving him. Since then she never said a word to him, or played with him. He, never regretted saying this, because it made him feel, in control, strong, in control. 

Year 1992

He was fourteen, and he grew use to his mother. When he was eight, she told him it was something every mother needs to do to their child. He believed his mother, even though it made him, uncomfortable. Yet he is fourteen now, and it is really making him uncomfortable. His mother told him not to tell his father. How can he when he is always at work. He sometimes even forgot his appearance. One day he was in the shower, his mother flung opened the curtains and did what he was use to, but he could not take it, this was done to him almost every night in his room, now it's invading his day time. He waited until she chose to soak in the bath top. It had not taken long for her to stop breathing because he pushed her under the water, and his mother did not even expect it. The cops figured she was suicidal because of the fake note he wrote that was supposedly from his mother. At the funeral barely anyone came, not even his father, most-likely at work. He now only lives with his father, but being fiddled with was a routine for him. His mother was not there anymore, so he did it himself, became addicted and distorted his concept of women because of those videos for, seven years.  

Year 2000

He was twenty-two when he met her. She was moving into the home near his father's. New neighbors. The next day he discovered his miracle. Her room was in perfect view from his bathroom. Since then, more and more he would admire her from that bathroom, seeing almost nothing on her, admirable body. He wanted her to touch him. He imagined her hands as his own. The image of her body became a part of his memory. He never forgot her. After a month, he realized she attended the college he was flunking at. Following her around was easy, figuring out she was in a relationship wasn't. He remembers this anger. The raging anger that is always caused by another man. After stalking her boyfriend, which he referred to as 'trying to protect', he knew his name, his classes and where they usually spend their time. His name was Emonule. He got close one day, close enough to hurt him, where no one would find out, but Taisah came to Emonule out of no where. He had not wanted Taisah to see him like this, see the way he would have finally 'rescued' her. He followed them around, overheard that Taisah will be transferring schools because of family issues. He was sad for this, but happy that Emonule will be away from Taisah. He is no longer a threat, yet the thought of them being together behind his back bothered him, it almost made him approach Emonule with his bundle of anger. He always kept track of Taisah, she always made posts of her daily activity on Facebook, this made his job easier. Eventually he had an idea that he found brilliant. A small cabin far away enough to be completely private. It will be perfect for Taisah and I when I find her.


No school, a dead mother, a useless father, a perfect cabin, and a single Taisah. His life was perfect to him. He was still living with his father but thought of moving into the cabin, to make it even more perfect for Taisah. He left the home without his father noticing until a week later, but did nothing about it, stating that He is grown and should have left earlier. The cabin was deep in the midst of the forest, miles away from his father's home, close enough to Taisah's own. Taisah, he knew where she was. two years younger than him and living alone. Her life seems put together to him, but he felt as though something was missing, that he was missing. She was at the bar when he first approached her, drinking from a cocktail glass. When he did, his efforts were ignored. She returned a sour look after he stood there staring at her for almost twenty seconds. He was hurt by this, almost as hurt as he was when Sabryna cheated on him at the age of four. but she was alone, this made him happy. He left her that day, because he knew that he would be back. Examining her made him even more ecstatic, but how agitated he was when Emonule found her, touched her in every way before he did, laid in their bed, the same bed he use to lay in besides her. Just after three months they were married. At this point he was fed-up of being angry at these men, angry at having the women he loved be taken away by these SICK men. Sneaking into Taisah and Emonule's home was easy because he entered through a specific window every time, entering as though someone would through the front door of their home. They were both in their living room, laughing and smiling like their was no tomorrow, as it was for Emonule. Choked right where he sat while Taisah ran upstairs to hide in her room. This was the day that The Stranger dreamt of, the day Taisah was finally free, only to be locked up in his arms, carried out the front door. The last time she saw her husband was that night, on the living room floor with the back of his head bashed in, as if slammed to the floor repeatedly, too many times for a man that was already dead. She cried all the way to the small cabin. cried until her first unnamed child was born. The Stranger never knew he would be a father. Taisah took her own life the day after their child was born, breaking the the glass frame from the front door, stabbing her self in the stomach and ripping it open, wanting to take the baby as well but she couldn't, she did not have the strength, physically nor mentally. She died right besides her baby. The stranger returned with a plastic bag full of food from a restaurant's dumpster, and panicked because of what Taisah did. Now, there they were, Taisah, the baby and that stranger, all under the same damaged roof. Her lifeless body was left in the same spot until he began to find worms crawling on him as he slept near her. He buried her body near the same area as Emonule. He missed her everyday, until... 

2009- July 1st

... He met Yukki S. Tamah.

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