sent ~ Letter-7

43 5 0

Date letter sent: 2009 October 6th 4:40am

From: Anonymous
To: Yukki S. Tamah

Dear: Yukki

The last letter must have came off the wrong way, the way I didn't meant it too. I was just, over whelmed. Thinking about you makes me CRAZY happy. Imagine what writing about you does me. I saw you the other day. When you were walking in the park, you looked beautiful. You were alone, but you won't be for so long. Because I WILL come along. Soon. Just wait. All you have to do is wait. Because I love you.

The way you tucked your hair behind your ears, the way you walked, your body, it's so beautiful. And I have dreams. Dreams of your hands holding mine, dreams of your body beside mine. Everyday. forever. For eternity.

But, it won't be a dream forever, because I WILL BE THERE. And I will be there everyday. Forever. For eternity.
Everyday I come closer, everyday the scent of your perfume becomes strong. Because I am closer, and closer I will be everyday. Just stay where you are. Because I will be there. I will be.

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