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2:00 am---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

My eyes are heavy, and vision blurry. 

I cannot make a connection to the images I am slightly seeing. First I saw my front door, then trees, just, trees. trees after trees trees after.... as though I am being carried deeper and deeper into a condensed forest. 

My head is aching.

It is still dark, and now, there is a cloth over my head. I cannot see at all. Not even the moon light is helping at this point. Breathing isn't easy. I black out from time to time. And I feel, someone cradling me in their arms. Could it be him? Wait, he was in my home, in the dark, chasing me, HE HAS ME DOESN'T HE. 

"LET ME GO" But did the words even come out right.

I thrash my arms trying everything to escape this stranger's tight grip but I can barely move. My body is so weak.

My head is aching. Even speaking brought pain to this migraine. I can feel a liquid running down my ear from the side of my head.

A foul scent.  And it would not leave. Like spoiled eggs and wet musty cloth, so strong it's burning my throat. 

I hear nothing but the leaves and twigs being moved by his feet. Along the forest floor, and my screams, barely screams. I must be too deep, too deep into this forest to be heard, to deep in this stranger's love story, too deep to escape. 

"Where are you taking... me"


"Please, let me go."



I Black out again.


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