That night

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"Thank you for checking in at 'The Riches' have a safe drive."

"Thank you" I say leaving him at his desk.

"And hey..."

I turn facing him.

"Nice to see you made it out a live" He says.

He weakly smiles at me.

"Do you work here 24/7?"

"Sometimes. Not enough workers here. You mind I get your number? We can go out some time. You can m..."

"I rather not"

Despite me saying so, I eventually gave it to him. 

It is late. And I am sure I must at least be almost a mile away from the motel. I've stopped walking so quickly. I am tired. I want to go home but I do not want to go back home. 

I see lights getting brighter. I look behind me and see a car slowing down. A girl, painted with dark eye shadows and lipstick, frizzy hair, sat in the passenger front seat. In the driver's, a guy I can barely see since it is dark. He speaks first. 

"Hey pretty lady you need a ride?"

He says with a country accent.

"No thank you"

"Come on you can not be out here alone. You never know what crazy man can come up to you and do you as he pleases without your consent"

"No thank you, I am fine I am almost home"

He stops driving abruptly. 

"You and I know there are no houses in a mile. Get in the car"

He says in a stern voice.

I get into the car, not trusting them. But what can I do? run away?

"Where are you headed darling"

"Just continue straight until I tell you where to turn"

"This is Nikita. My woman. You can call me Jimmy."


"Your name?"


"Ah, alright Sarah. What's going on with you? Why out so late all alone this night?"

"Jim you don't need to be all up in her business. Jim just drop her off where she needs to go and keep it quiet"

He looks back at me for a couple of seconds, chuckles and smile.

"Don't mind my woman darling, She is how she is. Just wait till we get home honey amma punish you for being suck a bad girl"

His hand gently corsets her leg. 

"Jimmy please, not now"

He sighs and presses back into his chair.


After a quite drive, we are finally nearing the house. 

"Here is my stop."

He slows down. I step out.

"Alight now make sure you get inside safe"

"Have a safe drive"


Home, 'home'. It feels as though I haven't been here since forever. I reach my hand through the gate, reaching for the lock, yet it is already open. I step inside and close the gate behind me. From where I stand, I can obviously see the muddy foot prints on the pavement. Leading towards my front door. I walk towards it, knowing that there is no where that I can go, that I can feel safe, or call home, because this house was robbed of its comfort and safety. The door's lock is broken. I can see muddy foot prints on the door. And as I step in, I see it every where, muddy, foot prints, every where. Leading to every room. I threw up in my mouth, my head is spinning, knees buckling, heart beat palpitating, and I stand here, shaking with sweaty palms. 

I drop my bag and I try following the prints to every room. Nothing was misplaced, but pictures on the walls were touched, pictures of me when I was a little girl, but the ones of my parents were broken, on the floor terribly torn. I am now in the bed room, and this time, I threw up. My drawers are ripped out, with my clothing all over the floor. The walls, in almost every area, pictures, of me and Daniel, from that night, every moment of that night pictured on the walls. I can see my face, his, explicit, too explicit. The bed, it is covered with wet mud, where I sleep. WHERE I SLEEP. He has been in my home. HE HAS DONE ENOUGH. He, has done too much. But my heart stops, when I see a familiar paper on the table. It sat neatly at the only area of the room that is spotless. It quietly sat there, beckoning me. 

I pick up the paper, open it, and begin to read...

Dear Yukki S. Tamah

This, is my last letter. My last, letter. Can you believe it? We have come so far in our, relationship. You have done some things that made me ANGRY. I have been feeling, neglected. Speaking with him was enough, but you touched him, he, touched you. HE TOUCHED MY YUKKI TAMAH. His hands held you in ways Iv'e dreamt of holding for so long. He stole you away from me. And I know that you allowed it. I AM ANGRY. Yukki why have you done this to me. YUKKI you have done something terrible. But it is ok, as I promised you in my letters, the same words that made you smile. I will be there. For you. I promised. And I am here. Yukki I...

The lights suddenly turns off. the whole house is dark, quiet, but I know this letter is even darker. And I know that I am not alone. I drop the letter and stayed quiet. do I dare blink, do I dare breath, do I dare move an inch. Is he behind me, is his hot breath making me sweat. I hear a noise, and what do I do but panic. I ran blindly, knocking things over, not knowing where I am despite me knowing this house inside out. My mind is chaotic.  Hide. I should hide, but where.  I hear running, fast running, but from what direction, where is it headed. I run, but from where, where am I going. I cant see shit. I continue to run into items, knocking things over unconcerned. His running continues, and so does my own. What can I do? continue to run? What if I run into him. What if he touches me. I stopped running, I gave up and I screamed, told him to stop, just. stop. "WHY ARE YOU HERE. WHY DO YOU NEED ME!!" 

It all stops, his running, my tears, the noise, but not my fear, not my frantic heart beat. He must have heart it...Because he found me.

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