I Will Be There

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2009 September 20th: 4pm
Dear Diary:

I know a lot about my new friend. I spent all these few months examining her. And it's amazing how I now remember her name. It's.... Yukki. I almost forgot for a second there. She lives in California. Well of course, it's right where I live. Her home, Route 78, and it's right where I met my new friend, Yukki. I remember vividly the first time I saw her. Walking down the streets, 7 in the morning, heading towards the college she attends. Mira Costa college.

I stood across the street a few feet behind her. She IS beautiful. Her short, silky dark hair, dark brown eyes and the slight smile she would give her 'friends' after they picked on her. It's sad the way she's treated. But soon, I'll be by her side, I'll be there for her when she needs me. Side her while she's  asleep, eyes closed, heavy breathing with my hand slightly across her chest, feeling her calm heart beat. She won't know I'll be there, but I will be. I will be. . .

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