Dear Diary:

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26th December 2009

Dear diary:

Yukki, I miss her. I NEED to see her. I NEED to touch her soft skin. With my fingers shaking across her lips. Yukki, tonight is the night I come to you. Tonight is the night you finally get to see the face of your hero. Tonight is the night we finally meet. and nothing shall take you away, nothing you do shall stop me from holding you. Tightly in my arms, don't shake, don't budge, because you will not escape my sweet embrace, no matter what. My love shall lock you in chains, and you shall wait for me. As you always did. Yukki, tonight is the night. Unlock the doors, turn off the lights, wait in bed, just wait. Once you hear that soft whisper of my voice, and my heavy breathing against your neck, you know I'm already there.

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