The morning

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It is the morning of last night. Did I even sleep? I look beside me, where Daniel lay. I sigh. He should be teaching a class right now, with his students still wondering when he will be caught for drinking in his car every morning.

Daniel shifted slightly, but I can still see the ring he laid on the table last night, before we even began to talk. I wonder how often he wears it. There is no imprint of that ring on his finger. 

I looked at the window, now recognizing that i left the blinds wide open. Luckily, and hopefully, no one was around. However, all night I had That Stranger at the back of my mind. Even though I've gotten rid of him, I still feel His Imprint

Daniel is now awake. 

"Why do I never see you wear that ring"

He sighs and turns, facing the slightly damp ceiling. 

"Why not get a divorce and stop drowning your problems in that alcohol every morning before class. Daniel everyone knows. chewing gum does not make a difference."

He was silent for a moment before he began to speak.

"Ever since her coworker died, Taisah, which happened a few years ago, it was difficult on her. Every responsibility of that business was now hers. She struggled with money. All of this depleted her health. Stress especially. She would come home almost every night complaining. Hmm. To make it, even worst, she was pregnant. After she complained about severe cramps, and pain in her back and abdomen, she had a miscarriage. I know that was hard on her but, I wanted a child. She couldn't bear the thought of losing another one. She was afraid. But I was not. And you know, this created so so so much conflict between us. I mean we were, fine before. Depressing, she went through depression at this stage. And at this stage of my life is where I recognized the bottles. I mean, why bail on someone, especially your husband, when all goes to, shit. You know? She left suddenly, for almost a month. Just imagine you, alone, without a wife, without someone to pleasure you. Well I had to get it from someone. Right? I did nothing wrong. I am a man. That was the first time I, maybe not but. I had to get it from someone, anyone. She reappeared a few days after that. She found out of course, I promised I would never do it again. All was well, which is what I thought. She kept, nagging about it. Nagged about me not loving her anymore, and that I do not know what being married means"

He now lays on his side with his back facing me.

"Now Lia is pregnant, Linda is crazy and I see no hope for Danielle and Danny in Linda's care."

He mumbles under his breath... "I knew Lia was a whore all the time. Funny how Linda never realized" 

He gets up quickly, looks through his wallet and handed me money.

"Here, get home. Forget about last night. Forget I was ever here."

He puts his clothing on, grabs his keys, ring, then stood at the door.

"So that's it? you leave?"

"Goodbye Yukki"

He does not look me in the eye.

"So why did you come in the first place?"

He stood there for a second, as though thinking, slammed the door, his vehicle starting up right after. I can see the dust in the air through the window his vehicle created. 


And the day went on. Yukki continues to reminisce last night, however, never forgot that she had to eventually go home to the constant recollection of her stranger. She wondered whether or not she still feared this man. Wondered if the fear was slowly growing into admiration. But that thought drove her crazy. With a long gulp of the alcohol, she finished her lingering thoughts. Until she returned home ...that night...

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