Chapter 23: The Gala

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I wake up on Saturday to a knock on the motel door. When I open it, there's a dress bag hanging on the door with a letter. I take the dress inside and read the letter "you always looked good in red. See you tonight. Rick." I roll my eyes, annoyed he'd bring this here but open the zipper to the bag anyway. Inside is a beautiful red dress that I can tell will be tight on my body when I put it on. I mutter out "typical" as I zipper it back up and head to the bathroom to shower. When I get out and dressed, I make my way over to the boys room next door and knock. Sam answers "hey, you guys scrounge up something to wear tonight?"

He nods "I have, yeah. Haven't talked to Dean since he left though."

"Are you serious?" I question, sitting on the bed lwhat's his problem." I don't put it in a way of asking though, knowing his problem is with me. But it's been 2 days since he stormed off after Rick left and neither Sam or I have heard from him. He was suppose to be the inside man at this thing and now we don't even know if he's going to show.

Sam tries to explain "he just doesn't like the idea. I can't say I do either but I know you're going to do whatever you want to do. You've made that perfectly clear."

"Well, at least I can count on you." I smile to him "are you wearing a tux or a suit?" I decide to ask "because I have this insane red number Rick just dropped off."

"He got you a dress?" His eyebrow raises.

I shrug one shoulder "so much for change, right?" I wave my hand "it's fine though. When everything is over I'll probably be able to sell it for a nice penny."

"Guess so" he agrees, not pushing the conversation "so, if Dean's not coming then we need to figure out a ride. Want me to call a car service? I'm sure there's something here in this town that we can schedule."

I point my finger at him "actually, I have an idea. Just be ready by 5:30!" I stand and head to the door before he can ask me my plan.

That night, I finish putting my makeup on and grab the car keys off the nightstand where I threw them a few hours earlier. Just as I am about to open my door there's a slight knock. I open it quickly, shocking Sam who jumps back a little, not expecting me to answer that quickly. His startled looks changes when he see's what I'm wearing and I do a quick twirl for him "how do I look?"

"Wow. You look beautiful." He smiles, leaning in to give me a kiss on my cheek.

I lean into it, enjoying the feeling of his soft lips brushed onto my perfectly powdered face. "You look nice, yourself. Ready to go?"

"I'm ready" he smiles and opens his arm for me to accept. I walk a few feet with him before stopping in the parking lot in front of the silver Porsche.

His eyes hide his smile as he asks "how'd you get this?"

"Rick's mother gave me the ticket to the gala. I figured she'd let me borrow a car as well if I asked nice enough." I move over to the drivers side door to open it.

He shakes his head "aren't you full of surprises. You sure you don't want me to drive tonight?"

I purse my lips together and shake my head "oh no, this bad boy is mine for the night." We both get in and I take off out of the parking lot as fast I can, causing Sam to have a mini heart attack before he calms down enough to just enjoy the ride in one of the nicest cars he's probably ever been in.

When we get to the event, I get out of the car and pass the keys to the valet. He smiles and hands me a ticket and I look to Sam, telling him to tip him. He rolls his eyes but pulls out his wallet to get some cash "so you get to drive but I still have to pay?"

The young teenager takes the money and drives off as we walk in and I reply "well, I haven't sold the dress yet."

We both chuckle and I hand the man at the door my invitation, telling them my name and my guests name, Finland Rogers. He checks us off and we follow the crowd inside the immaculate and beautiful hall. As soon as we get in the wide french doors, Rick is at my side with a smile on his face and a glass of champagne in his hand "you look ravishing tonight Emma. I'm so glad you're here."

He offers me the glass at the same time he leans in to kiss me on the cheek and I accept but cringe inside. I know I need to put on a front for now, until he makes his announcement but I'm already struggling. I take the glass from his hand and drink it down in an instant. He smiles and shakes his head softly "I know this is hard, but after dinner this will all be over."

He puts his hand on my lower back and Sam eyes me, checking on me. I nod to him it's fine "can I get another drink, Fin?" I use the fake name, getting a reaction from Rick. Sam nods and heads off and I lie to Rick "it's just this game we play."

"Oh, a game?" He asks, and I wonder if I shouldn't have said anything. This would piss Rick off anytime in the past. Anytime another man talked to me I would get the brunt of the anger and jealously later. But instead, Rick just smirks and adds "how charming. Shall we go say hello to Archibald and Helena?"

"Sure" I smile, following him inside the ball room.

An hour later and dinner is served. Of course Rick managed to switch my seat to be next to his, to keep up the charade. We sit at the front table of course, next to everyone important, including Dick Roman. As Rick pulls my seat out, Dick comments "it's such a pleasure to meet you Emma. Rick has gone on and on about you lately."

"Oh, has he?" you teasingly look at Rick, as if everything is fine. Your attention goes back to Dick "well, I'm sure he was just being nice. I'm not as great as he thinks I am."

"Nonsense, you're a vision." He lifts his glass up for a toast and I lift my to clink his. I get introduced to two more people and everyone else I have known for some time. The conversation to start is light at first, but soon turns to business as Dick asks Rick "so, the sale is all set. Have you signed the papers?"

Rick shakes his head "I have them in the office here all ready to go, I just don't want to mix business with pleasure tonight." Rick's hand goes to my knee and my stomach churns up the drinks I'm downing.

My eyes scan the room, looking for Dean but they come up empty. I get angry at him for leaving this up to Sam and I, but turn my attention back to myself. I let out a slow breath and decide to try and get some answers "what kind of business are you in, Mr. Roman?"

"Please, call me Dick." He coyly replies "and I work in the food industry, nothing fancy or exotic but it pays all my bills and then some."

"and then some?" I inquire, leaning forward as if I'm interested.

Playing into my game, he replies "I'm working on a few side projects, things to help the people of this great country."

"And how does my fiance fit into all of this?" I ask, curious why they've become such close friends.

Richard replies "he's going to put Rhode Island back on the map. He understands my vision."

"And what is that vision?" You push for further information.

Luckily, he feeds it right to you "I intend to perfect and purify high fructose corn syrup."

"Oh" I sit up, not expecting something honest or something so average "well, I'm thrilled you're planning on bettering lives and doing so right here in Rhode Island." I decide I need to tell Sam now what he just told me so they can start figuring out what he's planning. I move to excuse myself "if you'd excu-"

But Rick grabs my arm "it's actually time for my speech." I give him a hard glare, telling him to let go of my arm and he instantly does with an apology "sorry, I'm just nervous."

"It's fine, lets get this over with." I whisper, then turning to the table with a smile and say to them all "if you'd excuse us."

Rick and I stand together to head to the side of the stage as the person comes up and introduces him. Although I anticipated feeling anxious or worried, I've never been more calm. Rick is going to apologize for what he's done to me and to others and I'm finally going to be free of him after this. The fake smile I've had on all night turns into a real one as everyone stands and claps for him, and the two of us walk onto the center of the stage.

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