Chapter 21: Plans

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There's a loud bang on the door and I quickly rush over to answer it. Once opened, I am faced with an angry Dean and worried Sam "Emma, you can't just run off like that. We were really worried about you." Sam starts off right away, before Dean could start yelling.

I roll my eyes and move back into the room so they can come in "but I got what we needed."

"We?" Dean asks slamming the door behind them. "This isn't something you're involved in. We told you to help, not make more work for us."

"It's more work for you to know exactly where Richard Roman is going to be and when he's going to be there?" I ask him sarcastically.

He huffs out and retorts "it's more work worrying about were you ran off too and if you're okay!" He yells back.

"Alright, everyone calm down!" Sam interjects before I could yell something back. Dean keeps an angry glare directed at me and I just turn my attention to Sam. "Why don't you tell us why you came all the way out here all alone?"

I exhale a bit before divulging all the details about Erin. Afterwards, Sam nods his head and Dean just continues looking at me with a glare. "So, are we going to this benefit or what?" I ask when no one says anything.

Sam shrugs and looks at his brother "It's a pretty good opportunity to get close to him."

"We're not letting Emma go in there, no way." Dean argues.

I spit back "Oh, come on! I've been working on shooting for weeks and I know how these benefit type things work. I got you in there, you need me!" I argue.

"Need you?" Dean spits back "we need you to not get in the damn way!"

"Can you two stop arguing!" Sam calls out, stopping me again from yelling back. "Emma, we appreciate you trying to help but you really can't just go off on your own like that. And Dean, we're here now and she's gotten what we need, let's move forward with it."

I wait for Dean to agree before I do and he reluctantly agree's with a "sure" and a shrug.

"Okay. I'm sorry, I won't run off again." I assure to Sam, ignoring looking over to Dean. "The benefit is tomorrow, so I think we should make a plan and get ready." I say to them, holding up the ticket.

Dean comes over to me and grabs the ticket out of my hand, he mutters back "no, we'll make a plan." He looks over the ticket and I put my hands on my hips and stare at him annoyed.

Dean ignores my glare and looks to his brother "this will get two of us in. Sammy, why don't you and Emma go together, she can help keep you focused." Sam goes to speak back but Dean holds up his hand "come on, she already knows you're not sleeping, we need us all focused if we're gonna get some information on Dick."

"Fine." Sam reluctantly agrees.

"I'll snoop around his car and see what I can get my hands on." Dean finishes explaining his plan to us. I keep my eyes focused on him, willing him to look at me and thank me for the help I gave.

When he doesn't, I decide to take matters into my own hands "Sam, can I have a minute with Dean, please?" I look over to the taller brother.

He eyes me then his brother and nods curtly "sure, I'll grab some stuff from the car."

Dean throws him his keys, still without looking up and Sam leaves the room. Once the door shuts, I push Dean "why are being such a dick? I came here and got some kind of answer. I can't even get a thank you?"

"A thank you?" Dean's head snaps up and he stares at me. His eyes, normally gentle when he looks at me are now filled with something I can't quite place. "How the hell did you get this anyway? huh?" His voice is loud and he steps closer to me to ask. "This is Rick's town, and I'm sure as hell he knows you're here."

"He doesn't, I was careful." I return, my voice coming out like a horse whisper.

His head shakes "you don't know that." We keep staring at each other before he adds on "you don't know anything." But the second comment he dropped his head, his voice lower and not as angry.

"What the hell does that mean?" I push, more upset then I was before.

He takes another exhale, steps another step closer, our faces barely apart now. He finally whispers "I just can't watch you get hurt." He moves a strand of hair behind my ear and my stomach drops, filling with butterflies.

"Dean." I whisper his name, wishing he would just lean in and kiss me right now.

But that would be too perfect of timing, and Dean and I always seem to have the worst timing because there's a knock on the door and Dean quickly lifts his gun into the air, knowing Sam would never knock to get back in. Dean slowly walks to the door and opens it quickly, his gun pointing right to the middle of the doorway. When it swings open, Rick is standing behind Sam, a gun to his head. "Hello again." He smiles wide when he speaks, and the butterflies in my stomach are replaced with bricks. "Don't be rude, aren't you going to invite us in?"

Dean steps aside, keeping his gun raised, wishing he could pull the trigger. I step back further towards a wall, my worst nightmare coming true. "What are you doing here?" I ask from choked breaths once the door is closed.

"I came to see you, fiance." He returns, keeping his eyes on the gun pointed at him. He looks up to Dean "unless you want your brothers brains splattered across this room, I suggest you put that gun down." The two men stare at each other but eventually, Dean reluctantly lowers his gun, his hand still white knuckling it. "Now, lets have a chat."

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