Chapter 4: A place to rest

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I sit the back silently for hours. The two brothers don't talk much and when they do it's about bad music and food. I notice both of them checking back on me occasionally but try not to let my guard down because of it. Every time I think I'm finally safe, something happens. I let past memories flood my head as the sun shines high in the sky.

"We have to check it out" Dean's tone pulls me out of my thoughts and I turn my attention forward.

"We can't take her with us, she hasn't even dealt with yesterday" Sam's voice is low.

I cough out to get their attention letting them know I am listening to what they are saying. When Sam's head turns to mine and Dean's eyes are flashing into the review mirror I add on to their conversation "what happened with Rick isn't something I have to process, it's been happening far too long" I explain lightly.

"Not talking about that sweetheart" Dean's dark eyebrows crease up forming one wrinkle on his forehead.

"Ohh, the other thing" I remember the monster now. "I'm not here to be a burden, just drop me off at a motel, you've done enough for me anyway" I say

Dean glares at his brother and they have a silent conversation with only their eyes and expressions. Moments pass before one of them speaks, and it's Sam "we're not just going to drop you off and leave"

"No really, it's alright" I half smile to encourage them. I don't feel happy or sad about it, I'm just ready to keep moving.

Dean lets out a heavy huff before chiming in "I'm not gonna let more people die, we'll set her up in a motel close by. This is our job Sam" his voice is determined.

I let them hold their conversation without interruption from me and turn my attention back to the sun. There are now dark clouds rolling in as we drive west towards their next destination.

I look up at the dashboard to see the clock reads 9:32. We've just pulled into a motel and Sam ran inside to check us in. "You guys stay in a lot of motels?" I ask cutting the silence.

Dean shrugs "perks of the job" he smirks back to me. "Guess that's pretty new to you, huh?"

"Not really" I shrug back with one shoulder.

"Oh, really?" His smirk turns into a smile and he turns his body towards the back, his right arm leaning against the back of his seat "you and sir Rick were frequent motel fliers?" He chuckles

"No, but when I was growing up I was" I snarl back, getting upset at his assumption. He must've gotten the hint and a sarcastic apology leaves his lips. "No, I am.." I say after his "You're just trying to help" I sigh brushing back some hair behind my ear. "I'm just, I don't even know right now" I let a chuckle escape me.

"Why is that funny?" Dean asks inquisitively.

I smile to him again "I've been numb for so long, that's the only emotion I've come to recognize, if you want to call it one. But now, now there's more to it.. I mean I'm still numb, yanno" I pause for a second as he nods in understanding "but I'm feeling something else to and it's been so long I don't even recognize what it is"

"Actually, I know exactly what you mean. I've been there a few times myself" Dean replies to me. He slides out of the driver seat in one swift motion and opens my side door. He lifts the seat up slightly giving me more space to get out and offers his hand for support "you'll sort through it" he adds on as I take his hand.

"I hope so" I say getting out of the car. My back foot trips on the ledge and I fall forward. His hand tightens around mine and his other scoops around my waist to stop the fall.

I replace my feet firmly on the ground and both his hands release me "we're here to help" he winks before walking ahead of me, meeting his brother in front of a room door. I stare at the two of them in disbelief. They open the door and Sam walks in first. I stay stuck to the concrete before Dean's voice pulls me forward "coming princess?" He asks sarcastically. I put one foot in front of the other allowing myself to skip past Dean into the dingy motel room.

"Alright, we'll set you up here for now and we'll check in on you in a couple of hours" Sam says walking out of the bathroom "clear" he calls over to his brother who is rummaging through his duffel bag.

Dean proceeds to pull out a container of salt and starts to pour it over the window sill "what the hell?" I ask confused and startled at the strange behavior.

"It's for protection" Dean scoffs without turning to me or messing up his salt line.

I look at Sam for clarification "he's right. What we're here for is dangerous, never can be too safe"

"For you maybe, what would they want with me?" I joke back to them.

"They don't want anything from anyone, that's why they are monsters" Dean says seriously after finishing his salt line over the bathroom window. He places it down on the table with a hard smack and returns to his duffel bag.

"What he means is" Sam grits through teeth towards his brother before turning to me "it's just a precaution. You'll be fine here" he gives me a soft smile and I nod.

"Here." Dean thrusts a flip phone in my direction. "If anything strange happens give us a call. I'm 1, the jolly giant is 2" he mocks his brother.

Sam puffs out and I giggle at the joke "what kind of strange?" I ask.

"You'll know it if you feel it, just call right away" Dean repeats. He walks towards the door "coming Sammy?" He asks looking over his shoulder.

"You'll be fine?" Sam tells me with a hint of questioning in his tone. I nod to confirm him I will be, I've taken care of myself before. I'll be okay.

"I left a gun on the table. Shoot first, ask questions later, got it?" Dean says opening the door.

"Got it" I tell him.

"Line this door with salt when we leave!" He demands of me before waltzing into the night.

"Sheesh, he always so charming?" I roll my eyes when he's out of ear shot.

Sam laughs "he means well. We'll see ya soon Emma" he says before shutting the door behind him.

Once I hear an engine roar to life I get up and grab the salt off the table. I pour it over the door line "what am I even doing?" I question myself when I'm done. I replace the salt where I got it and grab the TV remote from the side of the bed. I flip through the 7 channels until I decide to put on Jerry Springer. I let the chanting and screaming fill my head and doze off.

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