Chapter 11: A Hangover to Remember

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I wake up with a raging headache. My left hand flies to grab a hold of my head as I sit up slowly. My eyes flutter open and I look around. I'm on the floor in their room. The empty bottle of whiskey lay turned on its side next to me.

"Shit" I say out loud to no one realizing how much I actually drank. I grab a hold of one of the bed's and pull myself up. When I get on my two feet the entire room spins and I sit down quickly on the mattress. I put my head between my knees feeling nausea and try to contain my stomach from throwing up everything I drank the night before. After what feels like minutes but was only a few seconds I regain control over my stomach and take a deep breath before standing up. I walk over to the bedside table and reach for the phone, only it's not there. I look around the room for it but can't see it anywhere. My head continues to rage so I leave the room in search for some Advil to ease the pain.

I'm laying down on the bed after getting some Advil from the office when I feel a quick burst of wind rush through me. I sit up slowly, removing a damp cloth from my eyes and spot Castiel standing by the edge. "Jesus, Mary & Joseph!" I spit out startled with my heart raising. "Do you want to give me a heart attack?" I ask rhetorically putting my hand to my head to stop the spinning.

"Of course not." He says in return lowly "he was worried about you" he adds on.

"Who was?" I ask while looking to the floor, slightly lifting my eyes to meet the strange man's stare.


"Why would he be worried?" I question back, unsure why he would be.

He removes his hands from his coat pockets and leaves them hanging at the side "they could not get a hold of you, they've been calling for hours." He explains to me.

My eyes light up momentarily "right! I lost my phone! I'm so sorry. Do you have a phone I could use to call them?" I ask him.

"They are on their way back now, but I'll let them know" He says before disappearing. I don't think I'll ever get used to him moving around that way, it's just so creepy for him to appear and disappear like that. I decide against getting up and doing anything before they return, I'm in too much pain. Instead, I lie back down and close my eyes.

"Emma, wake up!" I hear someone calling. I lift myself up and wait for the two brothers. "Emma!" I recognize Sam's voice as they get closer.

"You deaf or something?" Dean jokes when they walk in and see me sitting down.

He laughs at his joke but I give him a death stare in return "I'm hung over.. stop yelling" I plead to him. He laughs some more from the stomach and I do my best not to snarl at him.

"How much did you have to drink?" Sam asks me.

I shrug "whatever was in the bottle" I groan back.

Dean's laugh gets louder and Sam and I both give him incredulous looks. He takes a moment before trying to stop and compose himself "why don't I get you something to eat and you and Dean go look for your phone" Sam smiles towards me with sympathy.

"Uhhh. I don't think I can eat anything" I moan standing up to go look for it anyway.

"Oh, Sam's hang over food is a God send! It'll have you drinking again in no time." Dean pats me on the shoulder. I make a throwing up sound to let him know that I do not plan on drinking ever again. He smiles more and I finally give in and smirk back. "Make me one of those things too Sammy, would ya?!" Dean hollers to his brother as he exits the room. His attention is back on me now "so, were'd you go off and get drunk too last night?" He asks "or can you not remember?" He raises an eyebrow with a devilish grin.

"Shut up. I passed out in your guys' room actually.." I tell him. His head turns to the side a little so I quickly respond "I didn't wanna take the bottle to my room" I say with a shrug hoping that makes it alright.

He laughs a little "it's fine.. come on" he starts making his way to the room, leaving the door to mine open. He walks right in and I hesitantly wait at the doorway. He looks around before noticing I've stopped "I'm not gonna bite" he tells me with a smile. I smile back "unless you want me to" he chuckles and moves to pillows on his bed.

I chuckle back at his joke and saunter into the room. He starts moving the blankets and sheets around  before I could stop him "oh, I didn't sleep on the bed" I say anyway. "I actually passed out on the floor" I point to where he was standing.

"Oh, it was that kind of night. Had a few those myself.." He laughs again looking down. "Which is why I can confidently say," He adds while moving down to his knees. I do the same as him only across the way and our eyes meet from opposite directions across the bed "that your phone is right here" he smiles. Low and behold, it's laying on the floor right underneath the middle of the bed.

I feel foolish for not even looking there, it's so obvious, but I remember how bad my hangover was and how much I needed something for the pain. We both reach our hands out at the same time to grab the phone and our fingers brush one another's. I expect him to pull away so I leave my hand there, but his fingers stay with mine. We stare at each other, his green eyes entrancing me. I can't help but think that is how the northern lights would look. A sea of green, engulfed by darkness, only coming to life a few times a year.

"Found it?" Sam's voice pulls us from the stare and his hand is just as quickly gone as it was there. I slide the phone against the floor towards me and stand up slowly, again using the bed for support.

"Sure did" Dean beams back. He walks over to where Sam stands in the doorway and grabs a plate from him. He picks up the sandwich and digs right in.

"Here. It'll be hard now, but you'll feel better later" Sam offers me the plate

I take it from him "thanks" I say looking down at the greasy food in front of me. I make my way out and to the table so I can use both hands to eat it. By the time we get there, Dean is basically done with his already. We all sit down and I slowly take the first bite. Although my stomach wants to fight it, I can't deny how good it tastes and I keep biting into it. I finally finish the food and do feel a little bit better "thanks again Sam. I think it's helping already" I smile toward the younger brother. He nods back with a smile as well. The genuine feeling behind me catches me off guard and my smile widens, he's so sweet.

"Well , I think it's time we figure some things out.." Dean speaks up.

I turn my attention to him, only somewhat aware of what he means "right, I don't want to be in your way anymore than I already am. I should get moving soon," I say in response.

"No, that's fine, I'm talking about that demon. We got to find it and take care of it" he says with ambition "you can stay as long as you want." He adds on quickly.

"Oh.. Thanks." I say a tad relieved. I'm finally starting to feel safe and I didn't want to lose that feeling by being on my own just yet "but if I have that anti possession symbol thing, aren't I safe from it?" I question.

"Not if she gets her hands on you and removes it" Sam tells me.

"Ouch" I squirm imagining the discomfort. "Well, what do we do?"

"We" Dean gesture between Sam and himself "call Castiel and come up with a plan, you just stay here and keep your head down"

"You called, Dean?" Castiel suddenly appears in the room.

Dean jumped when his name was said "Damn it, man! Can you at least appear in another room and knock or something?!"

Sam and I both laugh, although I jumped up a little startled at his sudden appearance "he did that earlier, good to know it's not something I should get used to." I say still laughing.

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