Chapter 1: A girl saved

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I jerk my head up quickly, jolted awake by something. I move my tongue and taste something salty; blood. I move my head around and try to wipe my face. My hands don't go where I want them too. My hands are tied above my head, with rope, to a pipe. I move my feet and find that they are barely touching the ground. I wriggle and start to panic! "Where am I?" I think, flailing around. Suddenly a heavy metal door opens letting some light into the damp and dark room I'm in. The foot steps slowly walk towards me and I begin to scream for help. The man, if that's what you want to call it, is tall and slim. Freakishly tall and slim. His features are flat and awkward and I look away frightened.

"What do you want?!?" I holler out trying to cower away! The creature doesn't say anything in return but continues to walk towards me.

All of a sudden the door opens again and a low sultry voice growls out "light this, bitch!" And fire spits out of his hand flashing the man like thing. The freakish man quivers away from the heat and quickly dashes down a hall like space behind me.

I quickly quip "help!" As loud as I can to make myself known. I don't know if they even knew I was there, but I'm thankful they came when they did.

"Sammy! In here" the voice calls out to someone. Two men come rushing over to me. One tall and one a bit shorter.

"Quick. Please" I cry out. My hands are free and I fall to the ground, unable to stand against my dead legs.

"Can you walk?" The tall man asks in a caring tone, hunched over me with concern.

"I think so." I return trying to stand. I take one step forward and fall back down in a heap.

"We have to get her out of here!" The man who shot off the fire returned huskily.

"I'll take care of it!" The other one says scooping me up off the floor into his large arms.

They walk out quickly, flashing fire around every corner to scare away the man like thing. Suddenly, a sound rings out loud and they stop in their tracks. I cover my ears from the loud pitched squeal and remove them when it's done.

The one carrying me says something after it stopped "It's coming from the exit"

"Listen, I'll deal with the windego, you get her out of here!" The shorter man says walking forward and away from us, back into the dark.

"Dean!" The one carrying me calls out, and the one he called to turns "be careful" he tells him.

"I'll just pretend you did not just say that" the man who now has a name, Dean, says in return before disappearing.

"I, I think I can walk now" I say out looking into gray eyes. The man nods his head and sets me down, a hand resting on my back.

"I'm Sam" he says after my feet touch the ground and I stay standing.

"Emma" I say back wiping my pants off. "What is that..that thing?" I ask him looking over my shoulder.

"I can't really explain right now." He says taking a step forward, leaning his head out trying to listen.

"Run!" A far off voice echoes through the cave.

"Let's go!" Sam says leading the way out, not waiting for anything more.

I run as fast as I can, thankful that I run 5 miles a day. We run further and further into the light when we reach the outside. Sam leads me to a tree and tells me to stay put. I'm scared, but don't move, feeling my exhaustion catch up to me again. A few minutes pass and both guys return from the cave together. Dean is panting but smiling. They get closer before I speak.

"What did you do?" I ask

"Burned the bitch" he says back, his smile not wavering.

I nod my head. And suddenly, I'm leaning over, grabbing my stomach, throwing up. Sam comes over and holds my hair. Dean grunts. "Sorry." I say when I'm done wiping off my mouth.

Dean replies, annoyed "Let's get out of here"

"Wait, I want to know what that was!" I stop them.

"Something awful, we can't really explain" Dean replies to me.

"Dean" Sam coughs looking at him "let's just start heading out of here and I'll fill you in" he half smiles. I nod and follow the man Dean as the other stays behind me.

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