Chapter 10: A time alone

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I wake up the next day and realize I've slept for over 13 hours. I stumble out of the motel room I'm in and next door to the brothers. When I get there I find the brothers are hovered over a laptop talking to one another "Morning Sunshine" Dean says raising up a coffee mug. I slide my feet over to his location hoping for some coffee but realize it's booze when I'm closer.

"Need some coffee?" Sam reads my mind and I nod once in his direction, too tired to speak. He smiles and walks to the little counter to grab me some. Dean directs his attention back to the screen and I stand behind him reading over his shoulder.

"What's a rugaru?" I ask after reading a paragraph of something he had pulled up.

He turns his head over his shoulder to respond "something nasty" was how he put it. I give him a glare and he knew to give me more "it was a human until it started to crave human flesh." He explains.

"Isn't that called cannibalism?" I ask. At that point Sam comes back into the room and hands me the mug,

"I added some milk but there's sugar too if you want some" he tells me.

"A cannibal chooses to be a monster, a rugaru is born that way." Dean tries to explain.

"Rugaru's don't have to become monsters, Dean." Sam interjects. Dean rolls his eyes at his little brother. Sam turns to me to explain "See, rugarus's are human until about the age of 30. Then whatever gene was passed down to them kicks in and they crave human flesh. However, if they don't actually eat it then they won't turn full rugaru."

"That's never gonna happen, Sammy." Dean pipes up debunking his brothers speech. He turns back to me "he's got a soft spot for monsters on a count of he used to be one" Dean laughs lowly. He pushes himself out of the chair he was in and moves to the door. Sam just gives him an irked look and shakes his head. "Anyhow, we gotta go take care of this. So, why don't you stay here and we'll be back in a couple of days." He throws a duffel bag onto his shoulder and waits for his brother to reach his side.

I am startled that they are going to leave me alone but try and hide the fact when I respond "oh, ya. Sure. I'll stay behind" I fake smile back.

"You sure? Cause' I don't mind hanging back if you'd rather not be alone." Sam adds in catching on to my facade.

I shake my head to him "no, no. I'll be fine. You should help your brother.." He just gives me a look. "Really, I'll be fine" I assure and he shrugs and they make their way out the door.

It's been a few hours since they left and I find myself wandering the motel grounds. I pull out the cell phone the brothers gave me and dial the first speed dial.

"Miss me already?" Dean's low voice says into the phone after the first ring.

"Actually.." I trail off kind of embarrassed "You got anything you need me to do while you are gone?" I explain while looking at the door to my motel room.

I hear laughter over the phone and my feeling of embarrassment worsens. "Hello?" I hear Sam say now into the phone. "What's going on?" He asks following that.

"I'm bored" I say blankly ready for more laughter.

"Really?" He asks confused. It's quiet for a moment before he continues "Guess we didn't leave much for you to do, huh?." He adds on. "Let me think for a moment, sure there's something we could use help with."

"Thanks" I mumble feeling stupid "sorry to bother you" I say in return when I'm ready to hang up.

"Not bothering me at all." He returns.  I can't tell but it sounds sincere and I'm relieved that he's being nice. It's still something I'm not used to. "If you go to our room, we left our father's journal, can do some reading." He suggests "You make any plans for the night?" He asks making conversation.

"No, not really sure what I'd make plans doing.." I return twisting a strand of my hair while standing in the empty room. "You guys need me to do anything around here?" I ask again.

He hums out in thought but I hear him grumble something as the phone cracks into my ear "Emma, relax a little bit and have some fun!" Dean's voice comes through the phone.

"Fun?" I question "what kind of fun is there to do around here?" I push.

"Well Sammy would say lookin' into lore and research is fun." I can hear him rolling his eyes at his brother with a chuckle "but I'm more of a whiskey drinker. There's a bottle in my room on the nightstand. Have at it!" He encourages me.

"In your room?" I ask. That's a strange place to keep a bottle of whiskey. But the moment I think that to myself I remember what they do for a living and the idea of having a drink handy at a given moment doesn't sound all that bad. "Maybe." I respond.

"If you get too bored, give Cas a call" he then adds on "he'll entertain you" he laughs again.

"Now that's true" I hear Sam agree with his brother.

"Will check in with you in a bit" Dean says before hanging up the phone.

I stay frozen in time for a moment accepting the abrupt end to whatever conversation was just had. I think through my options and decide to find that bottle of whiskey Dean told me to have at. I make my way towards their room with heavy steps and grab the bottle with one hand. The lid already off, probably lost under the bed and take a swig. It burns as it goes down hard. I swallow hard again and force another gulp of the dark liquid down my throat.

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