Chapter 6: A Demons Pleasure

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"We don't know if this is going to work!" Sam pipes up after Dean lays out the plan to us.

"I told you" Dean growls turning his head slightly to face his brother "it's the only plan we have" his eyes turn back to me "you can do this" he assures me with a side smile.

"I'll try anything, but I don't even feel it in me" I shift in the wooden chair uncomfortably.

"Okay, close your eyes" Dean directs me. I hear a heavy sigh come from Sam's direction but do as his brother said. "Now clear out your head, don't think, don't feel" he instructs.

I keep my eyes closed and try to think of nothing, I try to let myself melt away but I can't. There's something about having a demon inside of me that I can't shake. After minutes of trying I open my eyes with an apologetic look "I can't"

"That won't work" Castiel steps out of the shadows.

Dean grunts "and you couldn't have stepped in earlier Cas?"

"She needs to feel the demon, she needs to connect" he say coming closer to where I'm chained, but staying outside the circle.

"How do you know?" Sam asks him curiously

"When I took over Jimmy as my vessel, we weren't connected, he was for all intents and purposes in a coma." He tells his story. "His body could contain me but his soul could not, not until we made a connection"

"How am I suppose to connect with a demon?" I ask "and why would I want to?!" I add on before he could answer me.

"He welcomed me into his body, so he wanted to be angelic, but I never wanted to be human, I never understood it. Then one day, I wanted to know more and we connected. I felt him inside, he wasn't able to gain control, but he was there" a small simple close lipped smile comes across his face when he finishes.

I raise my eyebrows to him "but if I was able to control her before, doesn't that mean we are already connected?"

"I suppose so, in a different sense though" Castiel replies

"Uhm, meaning?" Dean asks impatiently.

"Meaning she was hurting you guys and it awoke her." He responds looking at Sam and Dean now.

"Ya but I just met them, how could that awake me?" I say the last two words with sarcasm

Castiel holds his chin for a few seconds before responding "you'll have to figure that out on your own. All I know is that when you connect with the demon, you'll have some control back."

"Great, now I just need to choke Dean out again to get this thing to come and play" I sarcastically say feeling defeated.

"Actually" deans eyebrows raise

"No. No, no, no" I stutter back. "I can't do that willingly"

He steps back and smiles "oh, come on. We know it will work!" He defends my stupid idea.

"Dean, we can't let her go, the demon will take control and can kill you!" Sam tries to talk some sense into him.

He rolls his eyes "we won't let her out of the room just the chains, the demon still won't be able to do anything in this Devils trap" he gesture his arms around the room making half a circle.

"It's too risky" Sam shakes his head

"There has to be another way!" I jump in backing Sam. "I wasn't being serious!"

"Well, I'm all ears darling, we'll just sit and age while we wait for it to rear its ugly head again" he insults. I give him a offended look "not what I meant" he shrugs as an apology.

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