Chapter 17: A Coffee Search

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"2 black coffee's" Dean orders from the waitress. She smiles, puts 2 menus down in front of us and leaves to fetch the caffeine. "So, what do you think your plan is?" Dean asks me, sipping the hot liquid down quickly.

"Plan for what?" You ask, nervous he's hinting towards not wanting you around anymore.

He keeps his drink in his hand "well, you want to be involved in this demon thing, just figured I'd ask if you had a plan in mind." He smirks. "Or are you letting me do all the heavy lifting?" He flirts.

I chuckle, finally taking a sip from my coffee "I didn't really put much thought into that yet. I've been working on self defense for when Rick comes back around."

"If he knows what's best for him he won't show his face around you anymore." He says back looking at his now empty mug. This makes me feel a bit better, realizing that he means you will be around for a bit longer. While Dean and I talk, he continues to do some research about the store that had all these cursed items. He did his best to explain to me what was happening, and I surprisingly feel like I caught on. "Interesting." He hums out, Dean waves over the waitress to refill his coffee and his phone rings.

"What?" I ask, standing up and scooting in next to him to see what he is looking at. He picks up the call, putting it on speaker "Yeah, not sure we're taking the safe out of town just yet." He tells his brother.

The waitress fills Dean's cup "here you go." She says before walking away.

"Thanks." I say as Dean ignores her, too engaged with what he found on the laptop.

Dean elaborates to us further "um, so, it turns out that mama hoarder didn't just die and leave the store to Scott."

"She didn't?" Sam asks curiously.

Dean responds "no, listen to this. The lady spends 40 years trying to keep that place, right? Then one day she wakes up and sells. Next day, drives her car off a cliff."

"That's weird I guess." I say back thinking.

Sam adds on "So, uh..." I hear him yawn through the phone "what, you think somebody cut her brakes or something?"

Dean quickly responds "no, I think the world is full of hilarious coincidences. Oh, and there's this new company – never even tasted real estate--" I look down at the screen more carefully now and it shows a webpage advertising Bicklebee Realty. "Seriously, nothing at all. It just popped out of nowhere and just gobbled up a huge chunk of Main Street. Now, I could be off the deep end here, but doesn't that seem weird to you?" I guess Sam doesn't answer as Dean calls to him twice "Sam? Sam?

Sam quickly recovers from his distraction "yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, sounds good. Keep me posted."

Dean looks at you strangely "Sounds good? Are you all right?" He asks, focusing back to the way his brother his behaving.

Sam answers him "you know they say that, uh, sleep deprivation is an "enhanced interrogation technique"?"

"Yeah." Dean quickly responds.

"Trust me, it's torture." Sam adds on before hanging up the phone.

Dean shakes his head and puts the phone next to the laptop. I ask him "He still having a hard time sleeping?"

"Ya, well he's not in the best of places right now." Dean says. I guess he didn't mean to tell me this and tries to recover "you know, this case is just a weird one."

"Dean." I say firmly. I may not have known them a long time but it's obvious they are trying to hide something for me. Dean ignores me and continues looking at the realty webpage. "Fine. Just promise me that if something comes up and you need my help, you'll ask?"

"Sure" He says with a glance and fake grin.

The moon has risen and we are still sitting at the cafe. We've ordered something to eat while still waiting for Sam to return. "Try that one!" I point out a link that he hasn't clicked on yet. The past few hours Dean has been researching all of the business this new Bicklebee has recently bought up. It's outstanding how fast they are taking over. Even I get intrigued. Dean clicks on the Corporate Contact link.

A message pops up reading "We're sorry, the site you are trying to access has been blocked." Dean mumbles "son of a bitch."

"Damn." You return back, thinking that's all the information you're going to get. Dean picks up his phone and finds a contact in it and dials it quickly. The name on the screen reads Frank

I lean closer to Dean, who smirks just a bit as I try to listen to the conversation. "This better be good." The man on the phone grumbles.

"Frank, hey, I don't mean to double-dip in your crazy sauce. No offense." Dean says to him.

"None taken, fudge pop." The guy Frank spits back. I stifle my chuckle by rubbing my hand across my face as if I have an itch.

"So I think I found something." He says to him.

Dean waits for a response but nothing comes from the other end of the phone. Eventually, the man spits out "my silence is your cue, Dean."

Dean explains "alright, so, there's this new company that's buying up a whole bunch of, uh, mom-'n'-pops in Portland, but I hit a firewall when I tried to access its site. Think you can crack it?"

Franks snorts back "can a dog play poker?

Dean eyes me curiously "I don't..."

Frank interrupts, clearly annoyed "the answer is yes. What's the company name?

"Uh," He scrolls the screen for a moment looking for the head companies name "Geothrive, Inc."

The phone clicks off and Dean looks at it. "Well, now we wait?" I ask, not sure what his plan is here.

"Yup" he gets out, popping the p and nodding.

About 45 minutes goes by when Dean's phone rings again. He and I are looking at a pie in display container when he answers it. "Frank, tell me you got something." Dean says picking it up.

Frank answers "No, I'm calling with the Lakers-Celtics score."

This time I look to Dean wide-eyes "what?" he asks.

"'Course I got something. I figured out why you hit that firewall." Dean stays silent this time waiting for more. Eventually he smirks and says "my silence is your cue, Frank."

Frank responds "oh, touché" with a little chuckle in his voice. "So, you were trying to access the Geothrive internal site, and the reason why you couldn't is 'cause, if you dig down deep, it's all Dick."

I look to Dean strangely again not getting the reference and he holds up a finger to me to walk over to the table, telling me to hold off. I let him go, and order 2 pieces of pie from the waitress behind the counter. I sit down with the pie and listen to Dean carefully, his face serious. "People are dying here, Frank." Sitting across from him I can't hear Frank so I wait for Dean to say more. "Well, we're not done here, okay, and, hey, we might get some answers."

"He's a jerk." Dean says putting the phone down.

"Hey Sam!" I call out as he walks into the cafe. Sam joins us at the table.

Sam takes a seat "so?" He asks once seated.

Dean looks at me and coughs, wanting to talk to his brother alone. Although part of me is annoyed he wont say it with me there, I don't want to push things with them so I excuse myself from the table "I'll be back in a few." I get up and make my way towards the restroom. After freshening up, I splash some cold water on my face. I can't help but want to help them with their crazy demon, witch hunting crap, even though it scares me. I wipe my wet face down with a brown paper towel and head out of the bathroom, hoping their conversation is over.

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