Chapter 8: A fresh start

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"Get out" I yell to the demon in my head.

"Hahahah" she laughs back at me.

Everything I see is in bits and pieces as I fight for control of my body and mind. "You won't get control, this is over!" I yell to it. I hear my voice echo through the room.

"You think it's going to be that easy?" It retorts back. My body tenses with frustration and exhaustion. "I've waited centuries for my vessel." She adds trying to defeat me. "You're already broken, it won't take long now" the mocking continues.

"I'm not broken!!" I scream back attempting to stomp my foot on the ground. I feel something inside twist and the power the demon has is now mine.

"No!" I hear myself say as the demon fights to get control and hide within me again!

"Sam! Hurry!" Deans voice calls out. I focus all of my energy on controlling the evil entity and keeping it at bay. As Sam recites something in Latin I can feel every struggle against my body. My heart races faster then I've ever felt and my body is chilled over as my temperature increases.The demon must sense my distraction and the control changes. I feel a rush of wind swim through me. The air is kicked out of my lungs as everything goes red.

"What. What happened? I whisper out when the red disappears and my vision returns. I don't feel anything inside.

"It escaped" I hear Dean grumble.

"Are you okay?" Sam comes over and grabs a hold of my arm.

I nod once "got away?" I ask confused. He goes to help me stand but everything is dizzy and I fall back to the ground.

"Oh, take it easy" Sam guides me back down. "Let's get you out of there." I feel my body go limp as I'm lifted off the ground. He takes me through some old hallways and we get into the black car. Sam gets in the back seat with me and Dean puts the key in and starts the engine. "You're burning up" he says after feeling my forehead. I feel him slide back out of the car and I turn away and put myself against the back seat. I lay for a moment but quickly readjust back around. I may be exhausted and ready to pass out but I remembered what she said. I'm not broken. I will not let that demon or Rick, or anything else have control again. As I remind myself how strong I really am, I let my heavy eyes stay closed.

"Ahhhhh!!!" I scream as pain jolts through my body. I've never been electrocuted before but it's what I assume it would feel like. Needles stabbing across my skin and knives ripping through my veins. "What the hell?" I shout pushing back a hand that's on my head.

"I'm sorry" a semi familiar voice returns to me. It takes a moment before the pain begins to subside and my senses come back down to normal. Castiel sits next to me and Sam right behind him leaning down.

Sam sees my eyes flicker to him and he steps forward slightly. "You were getting worse, we didn't know what else to do" he shrugs his broad shoulders.

"What did you do?" I feel my head where Castiels fingers just were for something that shouldn't be there.

"Heeled you" he says back mechanically.

"Oh" is all I can think to say. They stand there awkwardly looking at me in silence. I sit up a bit more and notice how my body feels "wow!" I say a bit higher then I anticipated.

"What?" Sam sounds a bit panicked and gets a bit closer to the bed.

"Nothing" I smile towards the 2 men "I just haven't felt this good in... In years" I add on. Since I've been with Rick there has always been something injured or hurting. This feels great. I smile towards them and Sam smiles back. "Thanks Castiel" I turn my smile directly to him. He nods in acceptance and turns to leave.

"Where's Dean?" I ask a few moments after he left he room.

Sam turns his eyes towards the door "on his way back from a hunt"

"Do you guys usually hunt alone?" I ask.

He shrugs a little "not really. We kind of fought and he left" he explains "that's just how he deals with things" he adds on

"And how do you deal with things?" I ask another question.

He thinks for a moment before responding "I just accept it. There were more pressing matters at hand"

"Like what?" I ask another one. Just then my stomach growls and I realize how hungry I am. "Wow." I touch my stomach as the noise subsides "you got anything to eat around.. here?" I change my question. "Where are we?"

"Ya, got some stuff" he smirks. I stand up and follow Sam a few steps towards a mini fridge in the corner of the room. "Got some deli meats, some left over chicken.."

"Oh, Uhm a sandwich is fine" I simply say. "I can make it" I stand and start to walk over to get it from the fridge.

"'No, please. Let me" Sam insists putting his hand on my shoulder when I reach his location. I nod. I can't think of anything to say as I'm distracted by the size of his hands and the feeling it sent through me when he touched me.

He makes me a turkey sandwich and I can't find the nerve to tell him I don't like mustard! He places it in front of me after cutting it in half and sits across the small round table. I smile sheepishly and take a small bite, chewing slowly to hide the disgusted face I'm trying not to make. "Everything okay?" He asks a few moments later.

"It's fine. I just don't usually eat mustard" I say after swallowing the food and smirk to him.

He tries to swipe the food from the table but I hold on to it and the sandwich goes flying off the plate and onto the floor. We stare at each other for a moment before both of us bust out laughing. He stands up to clean the food up while laughing and jokes "you didn't have to make such a mess"

"Hey! I was eating, you didn't have to rip it from my hands!" I joke back with him. We laugh some more and Dean walks into the room, the door creaking as it opens.

"What's so funny?" He asks placing a duffel on the floor across from us by the door.

Sam smiles and goes to explain "just something with a sandwich" his eyes glance towards the trash.

"Wasted perfectly good food" he grumbles under his breath. He moves past us and towards the mini fridge. I look at Sam and he rolls his eyes. "Beer Emma?" He offers me a bottle.

"Sure" I smile trying to lighten the mood. He takes 4 steps to hand me the beer and then returns to get one for himself. He pulls it out and twists the lid off. I try to open mine assuming it's a twist off but quickly realize it's not. "Uhm, you guys have a bottle opener?" I look between the two of them.

Sam moves to grab something from a bag on the floor but Dean takes the bottle from my hand first. He twists the cap off like he did his and throws the lid onto the table. He hands it over and gives me a wink before taking a sip of his beer and leaving the room. I smirk after him taking my own sip of the beer. The liquid goes down easier than the vodka did that Dean gave me that one night I had to be stitched.

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