Chapter 7: A king's secret

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I blink slowly as my eyes fight to stay open. The room stays blurry as I look around and I decide to stop and focus on one thing. My focus slowly comes back and I look around again. Everything is the same except the room is empty. "Helllllloooo?" I call out. My voice scratches and it doesn't come out as loud as I intended. I cough a few times to clear it.

As I get ready to try and shout out again the door opens and the 3 of them walk inside. "Morning sunshine" Dean coifs once he's resting against an old concrete wall with one foot up.

"Was I asleep long?" I shift uncomfortably.

"Just over an hour" Sam glances up from his watch.

"Do you remember anything more?" Castiel asks instantly after taking a step just outside the circle.

"Cas" Dean grumbles with a look. One that Sam is giving to him as well.

Castiel shrugs his shoulders "what? Maybe she had a dream" he responds.

"No, nothing" I say to stop their small spat.

"We should call him, he can help" Dean is now looking at his brother

Sam's body turns to face him "ya, right. Because helping us is on the top of his do-good list" his eyes roll

"Well you got any better ideas? We're wasting time!" Dean fights back

"He'll just make it worse, he only helps himself" Sam's chest puffs up with frustration.

"Wait, who are you talking about?" I ask confused. They stop and look at me but don't say anything "if someone can help, we should call them!" I say agreeing with Dean.

He smiles smugly towards his brother "see" he says taking out his phone "besides, it's his demon anyway" he adds scrolling through his phone.

"Dean. Don't." Castiels voice is low. Dean looks up from his phone to his friend. His green eyes wait for him to say more impatiently "Crowley won't be able to help. This isn't just any demon anymore" his eyes flicker to the ground.

Sam quickly turns his body to face him "what do you mean, anymore?"

"We shouldn't talk about this here" his eyes dart to mine for a moment but quickly look away when I meet them.

"What are you not saying!" I demand frustrated at his weird behavior.

He doesn't answer and the silence rings loud inside of me. "Cas, what do you mean?" Dean's voice is the lowest I've heard it.

"Angels must find a vessel that can contain them and demons can just take one.." Castiel starts to explain.

"We know that already" Sam states not following.

"Demons were once, at some point in time a person unlike Angels, so sometimes they find just the right vessel." He says further.

"Spit it out already!" I yell out.

He sighs hesitantly "they can be reincarnated into the new vessel"

"What?" Sam, Dean, and I all gasp together.

"What the hell does that even mean? That's insane!" My voice is high pitched and panicked.

"They can take control of your thoughts, feelings, memories, and you will fade away. The demon will become more powerful then the others.."

"And you didn't think to tell us this before?" Dean throws something across the room and it slams hard against the concrete wall behind me.

"I wanted to be sure. It's extremely rare" he justifies hiding this information.

Sam's posture is tall, stiff, and serious "how rare?"

"It only happened once before" he responds back.

"What happened?" I mutter curiously.

He looks at the brothers when he answers "well, he became the King of Hell" he states roboticly.

"Crowley?! Whatever this is, it only happened once before, and it was Crowley?" Dean asks furiously running his hand through his hair.

"Who is Crowley?!" I yell again confused by everything that's being said.

"He's the king of hell" Sam tells me

I scrunch my eye brows not following "there's a king of hell?" I question

"Well there was the devil, Lucifer" he begins to explain "but he's locked in a cage now and Crowley is the king, the one in charge" he says quickly and then turns back to the conversation the others are having.

"He didn't become king by accident" I hear the end of what Castiel was saying.

"So why can't he help? If he knows how powerful this is he may know how to beat it" I interject whatever Dean was about to say. I hear two sighs but no words follow. There's a few moments of silence while the men all look to each other avoiding making eye contact with me "what?!" I yell out again.

Sam steps forward a little "he wouldn't want to risk having a demon around who is as powerful as him, he would be more willing to kill you with it then save you"

My eyes open wide "well then we won't call him and we will do this ourselves. Unchain me and let's go again!" I demand with ferocity.

"Emma" Sam whispers my name.

"No, don't Emma me. I left Rick to start a new life and I'm not going to let some asshole demon ruin it for me and kill me or get me killed!" I feel my blood boil with rage.

Dean steps forward and pulls a key from his pocket. He goes to lean down but Sam puts his hand on his arm "Dean, we should talk about this first" he mumbles to his older brother.

"There's nothing to talk about, she wants to go again, we go again" he flicks his brothers arm away and squats to release the chains.

As Dean removes the heavy weight from my arms Sam retreats out of the circle enclosing me in. I steady myself once on the heels of my feet and take a deep breath. "Let's do this" I open my eyes and Dean is standing in front of me hands at his side.

"Dean, you shouldn't do this again, at least let me heal you first!" Castiel says to him from outside the circle.

"Don't touch me" Dean responds without averting his eyes from mine, something meaningful behind his tone.

"Fine" Castiel mutters back.

My hands begin to lift to his neck again and I feel the boiling blood shift inside. As my finger tips grace his skin something shiny catches my eye and my head jerks in its direction "THAT! What is that?" I'm pointing to Castiels arm. There is something silver pointing out just a bit from his sleeve.

"It's my angel blade" he says lifting up his arm revealing the weapon.

"That's it, that's what's missing!" I exclaim excitingly.

"The angel blade?" Sam questions.

"Yes!" I respond turning to him with a smile. His eyebrows burrow together not following. "Well, no. That's what I saw when I was choking Dean that helped me get control! I remember feeling something like fear.. Like.. Like I was afraid?." I explain to him or more likely to myself.

"And you were able to gain control from that?" Dean asks skeptically.

My head turns back to face him and Sam walks around into the circle now. "When I saw the blade it's like I went into protection mode." I tried to explain. The three of them just stare at me expressionless.

I go to explain further but my head begins to pound. I feel the pulsing in my eyes as the tinted light blinds me. I grab my head and bend over trying to protect myself from the pain.

"Emma! Emma!" I hear voices shouting my name.

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