Chapter 16: A Cold Dream

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I wake up the next morning freezing in bed around 3 o'clock. I crawl out, go over to the thermostat and realize it broke over night. I go back to the bed, grab the blanket and wrap it around myself. I go to the phone and dial Sam's room number "Hello?" He asks into the phone.

"Is your heater broken?" I ask him.

"Uhh, no." He answers back, sounding wide awake.

"Can I come over then? Mine is and it's like 30 degrees in here!" I shiver.

"Sure." He says and I hang up. I put on my shoes and go to head out. Once I open the door I realize it snowed last night, the ground covered in fresh white powder glistening off the moon light. There is nothing falling from the sky now and I take just a moment to appreciate the beauty.

"It's beautiful out there! If I was more prepared for it I would stay out there for a bit longer." I say once I close the door behind me.

"huh?" He says looking up from the computer screen.

"It snowed over night." I point to the window pulling the horribly striped curtains over a bit so he can see.

"Oh, right. Well it's Wyoming, can snow about anytime fall through spring." He goes back to the computer.

"So you think Dean is coming back tonight?" I question him.

He eyes me before answering "don't think he'll be here within the next few hours. Why?"

"Well unlike you two, I'd like to get some more sleep. Figured if he isn't coming back I can crash in his bed." I tell him going over already to it.

"Ya. Sure." He says and goes back to his laptop. I get under the covers and wrap myself with the two blankets. I drift off to sleep quickly to the sound of the heater humming and Sam typing.

"Rick. Please." I scramble out lowly once the bed moves and then huddle myself into a ball.

"Oh wow, wow." A man's voice calls out and the weight of the person is removed "sorry Emma. didn't know you'd be in here." Dean says to me in a loud huff.

I release myself from my curled position and look from under the covers "sorry, the heat broke in my room." I tell him slowly sitting up.

I look to Sam's bed where he is slowly sitting up from his sleep "what's going on?" He asks while trying to cover a yawn.

"Shit. I'm so sorry Emma." Dean apologizes "I didn't even see you. was just gonna crash for an hour." He says standing next to me, eyes oozing with concern.

"It's okay." I put my hand to my chest, my heart racing "just my reflex is to protect, yanno?" I tell him with a small smile.

"Well since we are all up now, I'l make us some coffee." Sam says getting out of the other bed.

I look up at Dean "you can get some rest, I'll go in my room and freshen up. Sorry." I say getting out of the bed and slipping my shoes on again.

"Don't be, it's alright. Go ahead and get cleaned up here. You don't wanna get out of the shower when it's freezing. Trust me." He winks before plopping down onto the bed.

After his eyes close I turn to Sam whose staring off at the wall "you alright?" I ask him, grabbing his attention.

"Yup. Fine. Just need a shower." He clicks the coffee maker on and walks to the bathroom.

I guess he was zoned out when Dean and I just talked. I leave their motel room quietly and go to mine. I fill the tub with hot water and sit in it for a while. Refilling it twice when it gets colder. After, I stand up, wash my hair and get dressed quickly. I blow dry my hair, not ready to head outside with a wet head and get sick. After, I grab whatever is mine and stuff it into my purse and go to leave to head to the boys room. I get outside and I see them off to side of the motel. Sam is handing over a cup of coffee to Dean. I walk over towards them, ready to find out what lies ahead. "Well, did you try the hand thing?" Dean asks his brother.

"Yeah." He returns. He see's me and says " anyway, long as I'm awake, check it out." He hands Dean a newspaper "they're saying drugs, but read between the lines. Sounds like she danced her own feet off. Might be our kind of thing."

Dean looks over the paper "dancers. They are toe shoes full of crazy." He smiles at his own joke.

"You – and you would know this how?" Sam asks him.

Dean answers "I saw Black Swan. Twice." He says to his brother. Sam looks at him like he's crazy and I hide a smirk with a cough "hot tutu-on-tutu action? Come on, Sam. What's wrong with you?"

"Wow. The depths of your" but he changes direction "anyway, it's in Portland, a couple hours away. What do you think?"

"Yeah, dancers. Why not?" Dean returns, going to walk away "maybe you'll get some sleep on the way." He says.

Sam mutters back "yeah, maybe" and I follow them both to the car. We get to Portland at around 9 A.M. We get a motel room and they leave me to do their job. I find myself turning the T.V on to stay busy.

It's hours before they return, the night already settled into the sky. Dean walks in to the motel room and grabs a laptop from the bag. "Hey, where are you going?" I ask him, yawning from being bored and cooped inside all day.

He turns his body in my direction, like we didn't see me at all before I said anything and says "Oh, sorry. Was gonna grab a cup of coffee while I wait for Sam to get back."

"Can I come?" You ask him, wanting to get out of the room.

He shrugs while answering "sure." You grab your jacket and follow him to the black car. You get in the passengers seat and wait quietly for him to take you wherever it is he is going.


A/N: Hey everyone! Please like/comment on the chapters you like. Also, please go check out

I'm really proud of the story it is turning into and I would love some more reads! Sorry for the shameless plug but I'm really into writing TWD right now. It's helping me get inspired for my SPN stories as well. Love you all! Xo

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