Chapter 15: A Past and Present Talk

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The next few days Sam teaches me some martial arts he's picked up over the years. Nothing major but enough to get a good few hits in and get away if Rick comes back after me. "Thanks again for doing this" I say after another session. Sweat drips down my head and my chest, and I take a drink of water to refresh. We've moved to a motel in Wyoming after they took a case to deal with a ghost there.

"No problem" he says squirting some into his mouth and wiping his forehead with his forearm.

He goes to leave the room "where has Dean been?" I ask him, catching up to his long legged stride.

"Oh uh, just out on a hunt" He says, his voice squeaking a little as he tells me.

I eye him suspiciously "no, really. Where is he?" I push, having a feeling that he is lying to me.

Sam looks away for a moment before returning his gaze to me, wrapping his hand around his neck "so uh.. there's these things we're kinda hunting and he uh, went to follow up on a lead."

"And this is a secret why?" I ask unsure why he's being weird.

He shrugs "there's just a lot of things out there that you don't know about." He offers back as his answer.

I ponder this, wondering if I want to ask more about it "well, can you tell me more about some of these things over dinner?" I ask "I'm famished."

He smiles "sure. I'll come back in an hour?" He asks raising an eyebrow to see if that's enough time.

"30 minutes should be enough" I respond already walking to the bathroom to shower.

After showering and putting on some clean clothes I look at the clock and notice its been past 30 minutes. I give him another 15 minutes before moving next to door to knock. He comes to the door a few moments later, buttoning his shirt up "sorry Emma," He moves for me to come in "got distracted." He tells me and closes the door behind us.

"Everything okay?" I inquire, his eyes are darting around the room and he's seem on edge.

"Yea, I'll be ready in 5. Take a seat." He offers pulling out a chair before moving back towards the bathroom. I sit down and wait for him while he finishes whatever it is he has to do. "Alright, where should we eat?" He asks with a smile on his face.

"I don't know." I shrug unfamiliar with where we are "guess we can just drive till we find something that sounds good?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Sounds good." He says and offers for me to lead the way. I do so and once I reach the door he snaps and grabs my attention. I turn to him "Dean has the car" He reminds me.

"Righttt." I return back slowly. "Then we'll just walk till we find something?"

"Let's do it" He smiles wide again and we head out. Once on the main road our pace stays together as we walk towards a market place we passed down the road when we got into town. "So, why don't you tell me something about you that I don't know?" Sam looks down and asks me.

"Hmmm..." I hum out trying to thing of something to say. I chuckle "I don't know, why don't you ask me something. It's hard to come up with things on the spot."

He chuckles back "fair enough. Where are you from?"

"I grew up outside the city in Virginia." I tell him "what about you and Dean?" I ask.

"We're from Kansas but grew up all over the place." He tells me.

"You've been hunting you're whole life?" I ask.

He nods his head "pretty much. I took a few years off to go to Standford but that didn't pan out so well." He says, his eyes drooping a little.

"No way! I went to Stanford too! Well only for 2 years."

Sam smiles "what were you going for?"

"Communication," I say "but I dropped out after meeting Rick." I roll my eyes, I still wish I finished school. Getting into Stanford on a scholarship was one of my biggest accomplishments and I just dropped it all for him.

"I dropped out too, was going for pre-law." He returns.

I suddenly don't feel as alone as I used to "why?" I question.

"For the family business." He simply states.

"Sorry." I say. I know how I feel about dropping out so I can only imagine he feels something similar.

He gives me a strange look before answering "don't be. It was bound to happen, I've been tied to hunting my entire life."

"Oh." Is all I can think to respond back with. "So, want to eat here?" I ask as come up to a Chinese restaurant.

"Looks great." He says and goes to hold the door open for me. Once inside we get seated right away and order rather quickly. I leave the hunting topic a lone for now and instead try to ask about where Dean is, curious what else is out there in the world they haven't shared with me yet. "Well, there is some complicated background to everything but basically there's something out right now that we don't know how to kill."

"Is that normal?" I ask him.

His eyes squint and a smirk crosses his lips "you want to know if that's normal and not what it is?" He asks me

I shrug with one shoulder "well, is it?" I return back to him.

He shakes his head "No. Usually we can figure something out rather quickly, but it's been a few months and nothing has worked. It's not going well." He tells me honestly.

"Well, if I can help with anything I would like too. It's the least I could do." I suggest.

"Thanks Emma." He says back "These things are nasty. They were just released out of purgatory and"

"Purgatory?" I interrupt him. I've read about it obviously but never considered it to be something that existed.

He nods once, lowering his glass of water from his lips "it's been sealed forever but it's open now and these things called leviathans escaped. Dean's out hunting one now." He tells me.

"You don't know how to kill them and he's off hunting alone? Shouldn't you be with him?" I push. Our food has not arrived but I find myself not hungry anymore, too worried about the older Winchester.

He shakes his head "he's not alone, he's with our friend Bobby." He tells me digging into his lo mien.

My eyebrows furrow together, my appetite returning just a little "there's other hunters out there?" I question putting a bite of my food into my mouth.

He nods, waiting to finish chewing before responding "sure, there's quiet a few. Maybe you'll meet some someday."

"Maybe." Is all I can think to say back. I guess I wouldn't mind, but I'm starting to realize that these 2 guys have a dangerous life, and I don't know if I want to continue living a life with the risk of death around every corner.

"Everything okay?" Sam asks, pulling me out of my thoughts and back to our meal.

I shake my head, regaining composure "Oh, ya. Everything is fine. Why don't you tell me more about Purgatory and these Levio whatevers you're going after."

Sam starts to explain what happened, how it opened, how they were involved and I do my best to keep up. I try and keep my expression emotionless while listening, but I know there are times where my shock and awe are clear to him as he quickly tries to keep going, moving past the topics of my concern. Although I want to ask questions, I'm afraid of some the answers so instead, I just listen.

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