Chapter 12: An Errand Worth Running

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I end up waiting in their motel room for them to be done talking about me in mine. Although I protested and insisted to stay with the 3 men, they started talking and I quickly realized that their world is too much for me right now and I'd be doing more harm than good to myself being there. As I sit on the bed bouncing my leg I notice my nails. They are bitten down completely to the bed. It's an old habit I've had for awhile and I decide right then then it's time to break it. I force my leg to stop from moving and stand up. I pace patiently instead now, as an hour goes by without them coming to tell me anything. I start to clean the room. I put the dirty clothes in a hamper and hide it in the small closet that's in the corner of the room. I make sure the bed is made perfectly, fluffing the two pillows that are on it. The silence begins to drive me insane so I decide to take a look at the tattoo around my hip as its been bothering me for a little while now. I lift up the bottom of my shirt and admire the black ink. However, as I look down at it, I think I notice red spots all around it. I look at myself in front of a mirror to see if it's just the lighting or of it's actually a rash or something.

As I'm looking at the ink, a shadow comes into the room and I lift my head up to the right and Dean is standing there "everything okay?" He asks with an eye brow raised.

"Not sure" I say looking at him "think I'm having an allergic reaction or something to the ink" I turn my eyes back to the mirror and squint, trying to get a better look.

Dean steps into the room further and is by my side looking down "let me take a look" he offers. I nod my head and keep my shirt lifted where it's at. He kneels in front of me and puts a hand to the ink "does that hurt?" He asks moving it momentarily then looking up for my response.

"No, it's more itchy then anything else" I explain what I'm feeling.

"Hmmm" he cocks his head to the side.

"What?" I shoot at him worried

He rubs his finger for a moment again feeling something "there's like a raised rash underneath some of the ink." He takes my left hand and moves my finger along the scar.

"Oh" I say as he's doing this "that's not a rash. It's a scar" I explain to him.

He runs his finger over it once more "then you shouldn't be too worried, the red spots should go away in a couple days, probably just agitated because it's foreign to your skin" he explains, while still kneeling down in front of me.

I eye him curiously "how do you know all of that?" I ask, if I had to guess between the two brothers, I would've pegged Sam as the one who'd know this information.

Dean stands now and says "happened when I got mine, too" he smirks.

I nod at the obvious explanation and lower my shirt back down "well thanks" I mumble thankful for his input.

"How'd you get the scar?" He questions, ignoring my gratitude.

"Rick" I shrug back. His eyebrows raise intrigued to know more so I elaborate "it was after the first time I tried to leave him. I stayed over at a girlfriends place and she worked nights at a hospital. He came over and dragged me back to our house.. After a lot of screaming, pushing and arguing he had enough. It's like he became a totally different person. He through this really big vase at me and well" I shrug not finishing the rest of what happened. He doesn't have to know what he said to me that night.

"Dick!" Dean spits through gritted teeth. His hands are clutched with anger "I should've shot him when I had the chance" he mutters.

I walk past him to the door "it's fine, really. After that, he made sure his hits weren't severe enough to be treated at the hospital. Just a friendly Doctor he knows who'll make a house call if necessary."

Torn between two (A supernatural fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora