Chapter 18: A Monster Encounter

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"We gotta go!" Dean calls out quickly as soon as I reach the table. He's already throwing money onto the table.

I stumble, grabbing my bag "wh-what? Where?" I follow behind the brothers.

Sam looks back while we move "someone's in trouble, shouldn't take long but we gotta go fast!"

His urgency rushes me and we pile into the truck Sam drove here. "What the hell is he doing touching that crap?!" Dean mumbles as he pushes the gas down.

"Curiosity, man." Sam shrugs from the front seat.

"Well, curiosity kills the damn cat!" Dean stammers back quickly.

We pull up to an old town like street and Dean slams on the brakes. I stop myself from jerking forward and Sam turns to me "stay here, we'll be out shortly!"

And with that, the two of them are gone. I wait in the truck, bouncing my right leg up and down while biting my fingernails. I hate waiting, who knows what could happen while I wait for them. A few minutes pass when I hear a crash inside the store they went into. I turn my neck to try to see through the truck window and the store front but see nothing. I try to talk myself out of it, saying what I heard was just in my head, but I hear another noise, like something breaking. I know then I need to get inside and help them. I run out of the truck, leaving the back door open and dart through the front door. I see Dean get thrown across the room into a glass cabinet and he falls onto the ground. Sam is to the side of the store with another man, whose face is burnt with what looks like 3rd degree burns. I see another man tied to a chair on the side. I go to untie him, hoping he is a hunter like they are. As I make my way over to him though, Sam calls out to me "Emma!" I turn to him "the sword!" He shouts, eyeing something to my side. I quickly see what it is he's telling me to get and throw all force into breaking the glass open with my arm. I grab the sword by the handle and quickly run it over to Sam.

He takes it without another word and moves towards his brother. Without hesitation he cuts the women's head off with a swift jerk and it falls to the floor by his feet. Dean mutters a quiet "thanks" before standing up and coming over to untie the man next to me. I still stay frozen in place, staring at the man with the burned face, the blood running down my arm just now grabbing my attention.

"Scott, get everything you need packed up. It's time to get out of here." Dean tells him a few moments later.

The guy is now patting at his face with a towel and it's starting to heal up supernaturally fast. "You need to be on the road, like, now." Sam informs him.

"Never come back here." Dean adds on.

Dean grabs the women's head off the ground and begins to stuff it into a bag. I turn my self to the side, trying to the hide the fact that I feel sick to my stomach. "Okay, I get that these things mean business, you know, but I can't just, like, uproot my life." Scott says to them both.

Dean answers back "sure you can. It's not as hard as you think" and he shuts the door to a safe with the bagged head inside.

Sam adds on "look, Scott. These big mouths don't like to leave loose ends."

"So don't you look back till you get someplace where you don't speak the language." Dean says.

Scott responds "all right. I'm going. Thank you, I guess."

Sam sarcastically adds on "don't mention it," before the man is out the door. Sam turns his attention to the man dressed similarly to the women whose head he took off "one minute. That's how long you have to explain to us why you helped us."

He answers back "because I am dying to know what that bitch tastes like."

Dean holds up a finger "let me get this straight. You want to eat your boss?"

"You got a better way to make her stay dead?" The guy responds.

Sam asks "so, what? So now you're – you're on our side or something?"

"Yeah." he smiles for a moment "No." he quickly changes the word, clearly trying to be sarcastic, "but if Joyce is alive, then I spend the rest of my life cleaning her messes. Or worse, I get eaten. Or bibbed." he shivers. "So, thanks, for chopping her head off for me. Taking her on solo – yikes. So, really, thanks for the assist there. And, of course" he looks to Dean "you're welcome, for saving you before she ripped into your ass like a Christmas present. Win-win, right?" He pauses for only a moment "So how 'bout that head?"

"He talks a lot!" I comment, annoyed with whatever human or monster he may be.

Dean and Sam look at me, look to each other and then at me again. "Emma, please wait in the car." Sam asks me nicely.

"Ya, sure." I say back, not really sure I want to stay and here the conversation they are going to have. Dean and Sam come out of the building 20 minutes later. They carry the safe with the head out and put it into the uhaul attached to the truck. They both hop in and sigh. I ask "so, what happened?"

"Nothin'" Dean grunts back. "You okay?" He looks over my arm as I hold it with a shirt I found in the back.

"I'm fine. Please, just tell me!" I say back to him, not wanting to be handled with gloves anymore. "I was taken over by a Demon, I can handle it!" I remind them.

Dean answers "fine. Monsters want to cure cancer." He chuckles for a second "that's a sentence I never thought I'd say." He looks to Sam "why does it make me so nervous?"

"Yeah, I hear you. So, what do we do now?" Sam asks.

"You are gonna sleep on it – all the way to Frank's. Capiche?" Dean tells him and starts the truck.

"I wish I could." Sam says back with a yawn.

Dean asks "did you get any sleep last night?"

"Yeah. Yeah. A little." He half smiles back. "I-I don't know."

Dean replies "well, we'll find you a soft-rock station. Always knocks you right out." He pulls away.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" I ask Sam, wanting to help him.

"Long story." He says back with his eyes closed.

I touch him on the shoulder to get his attention "well, I'd love to hear it one day soon." He looks at me when I say that and we smirk to each other. I see Dean looking over from the corner of his eye.

We drive to the man Frank's trailer a few hours away. Dean and Sam haven't been able to reach him and they want to talk to him about those monsters wanting to cure cancer. I also try to catch some sleep on the ride. "Can I meet this wizard?" I ask, aware that he is one hell of a computer hacker.

"Sure, why not?" Dean shrugs and Sam nods in agreement. "Hey, Frank!" He calls out. Dean pounds on the door as we wait to be let in.

Music plays from inside the trailer. "Maybe he can't hear you?" I offer the thought.

"What the hell is he doing in there?" Dean asks before knocking on the door again. Dean, Sam and I look at each other before Sam shrugs. Dean sighs and calls out "Frank! Don't shoot! We're coming in!" Dean pushes at the door and it opens easily. We all pile inside, bumping into each other as the we notice blood smeared on the walls and paper all across the room. I quickly feel my food from before churn in my stomach and leave the room to throw up. I wipe my mouth after releasing my insides and wait at the bottom of the steps. "This isn't good." Dean comments coming out of the trailer.

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