Chapter 44: Crossing

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- M A R S E I L L E -

The sun was halfway from the horizon and noon when we began to cross the Manhattan Bridge. The river rushed violently below, and I really didn't want to fall in. I couldn't help but imagine it though.

"Wanna take a dip?" Aniya asks playfully, and we all laugh. Truth was, we would probably get swallowed away by the current. We were all in an uplifted mood, though, for obvious reasons. I could escape and pursue a cure, while Nick and JP could look for their long lost friend. I didn't have much hope for them, but I wouldn't tell them that.

"Bet." JP replies, earning some more laughs. The air was remarkably clean, and the whole drive was going great so far. I just hoped our luck would last.

The car enters the other side of the bridge, and we get over solid land again. We had just arrived in Brooklyn. I look in the mirror, seeing both Upper and Lower Manhattan's skyscrapers taking up lots of my view.

They were awe inspiring, but also now old and falling apart. A tower had fallen down at the beginning, and another two months ago. It left a cloud of dust that rose and blotted out the sun for an hour or so. We called them 'blots'.

Manhattan fades from view as more and more Brooklyn comes in. The light and nature was just so nice after the two weeks of imprisonment. There was something about me that wanted to appreciate it all.. and I knew it'd only get more like nature the longer this went on.

"The house shouldn't be far from here." Aniya says. "A mile or so.. but this traffic."

She was right. Static Traffic covered the highway, with old rusting cars parked and abandoned. Aniya squeezes around most of it, but we eventually have to get out and push one out of the way.

When we hop back in the car, we drive down the off ramp and turn left. We were now in a full on neighborhood, with townhouses on each side. Nick and JP looked mesmerized, and I laugh. I guess this isn't what Tulsa looks like.

To be honest, I had only known what Oklahoma was for history and geography tests in school. I knew that it had a weird panhandle, though. It was a vietnam war thing. I think.

"Well, we're here." Aniya says, parking outside an identical town house. I grab my sword, and JP grabs his pistol. He goes into a neighboring alley to presumably take a piss. Aniya grabs her machete, and we exit the car.

"Hold up, now." I hear from behind me, a voice I didn't recognize.

- C O L T -

     "It's ok." I tell Evan, sitting in his office and holding some ice to my head. It was still hurting from when Nick dropped a chair on it. "You did the right thing, and you shouldn't be ashamed for it."

     "They're my friends though." He says. "They left because of me."

     "No, they left because they didn't like the new world we're building here." I reassure. "Do you need to hear my plans again?"

     "No, but I know you'll say them anyway." Evan says.

     "We're rebuilding civilization." I declare. "We're doing it over without the current population, because they're ruining the world. We'll both save the planet from certain death, and make a new humanity that is better in every way.

     "And we will do it as peacefully as possible. While you may lead this someday, I am the only one who can lead it right now. Under my control, and the surrender of all others, will humanity finally be at peace for once."

     "I just hope it will stay peaceful." Evan reiterates.

     "Oh, it will." I say. "Think about it. I imprisoned Nick and Marseille, not killed them."

     "True." He starts.

- N I C K -

     I turn around, seeing the person who spoke. It was an older teenager with 4 flanking him. They all had rifles, and each one held a sightline on one of us.

"Wrong place, wring time amigos." The center one says, holding out a .44 Magnum at me. I glance around, seeing a terrified Aniya and Marseille. I didn't see JP yet. "I think you know what we want."

"No, not really?" I ask. They mockingly laugh.

"Your guns." He starts. "Your ammo, and your supplies."

"We're trying to survive too." I say, and one of the four sidemen shoot their suppressed rifle. It impacts into the back window, shattering it.

"We don't care, buddy." The ringleader says, pulling the hammer back on his revolver. "We take your supplies, or your lives as well. I won't ask a second time."

I gulp, seeing JP finally. He was hiding in a nearby alley, his gun held out to shoot. The Five didn't notice him. "Fine." I say. "Don't hurt us."

"Well that wouldn't Be beneficial for us." The ringleader smirks. "Pop the trunk."

I walk over, hands up to the car door and hold the trunk button. It opens with a pop, and two of the sidemen come to open it. What little supplies we had were being taken right there.

"Other two. The inside." The ringleader instructs, pointing them towards the car. I move out of the way, formulating a plan. Aniya and Marseille stood a couple feet away, harmless to them with their melee. Aniya with her machete, and Marseille with her sword.

I hit the hood button, and the ringleader flashes his magnum at me. "The hell?"

"More supp-" I say, catching myself. The ringleader smiles, and I fake despair.

"Supplies!" He says. "In the hood?"

"Please don't." I mutter.

"Open it, buddy." He snarls. He then turns to the sidemen. "Big kid, boys!" He exclaims. I sink my head and open up the hood. I just hoped JP knew what I was on about.

"Where?" He asks as I put up the hood prop.

"Right there." I point to a small compartment under the wire job we had done with the battery. Luckily, he didn't know much about cars and fell for it.

I hear a shot ring out as soon as he touches the wires. JP had evidently hit the side of the key, turning the car on. The ringleader started convulsing violently with electricity, having one hand on each terminal. I perform a roundhouse kick and knock the prop out, letting the hood fall and crush the guy.

Several more shots followed as JP engaged the others in a shootout. Two of the sidemen fell, but the pressure forces JP into the neighboring townhouse. I grab Aniya and Marseille, pulling them inside. I shut the door and slam the deadbolt violently, and shots pierced the wooden door.

"We gotta get out." JP says worriedly. "If they don't kill us, the sickos we just lured will."

Shots rang through and shattered the windows, glass pouring on the floor. I fall onto the carpet, screaming as a piece of shattered glass lodged in my leg. Aniya helps me up, and the four of us head upstairs.

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