Chapter 33: Quake

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- E V A N -

We follow Colt out the back of the building, much to the dismay of Nick and JP. Hopefully this Colt guy had a good place, because if not, Nick and JP would be angered. I could bet money on it.

     I walk past the gun racks, seeing bashed in glass and missing guns. Predictably, one was over the pistols. I bet that's how Zach and JP got their guns. Colt, however... this store didn't sell military DMR's.

     "Hey." I ask Colt, tapping his shoulder. He turns around. I wasn't short by any means, but he was easily 4 inches taller than myself. "How'd you get the Mark 11?"

     "I'm surprised you know what it is." He responds. "Where'd you learn about it?"

     "Oh, Call of Duty, other types of shooting games." I list. "That type of stuff."

     "Nice." He responds quickly. "I played it too... get down." He commands, making a movement with his hand as we exit the door. We duck behind some street side venues, hearing some weird noise.

     "Monsters." He whispers. "3 of them. Who's taking them?"

     "I can get one." I say, pulling my crossbow. I'm glad I had loaded it.

     "I'll take one." Zach adds, looking out at the sickos.

     "Then I'll take the last." Colt says. "I get right, Evan Get middle, you.. ginger. Get left."

     "I have a name, you know." Zach says, clearly frustrated. Caden was trying not to burst into laughter. I'm glad he could hold it. "It's Zach."

     "Nice to meet you." Colt responds with a smirk. He then stands up with us two, and we eye the sickos. They were just as disturbing as the one in the Macy's store. They fit JP's description too. Glowing red eyes and veins. It was a disturbing combo, for sure.

     Zach and Colt find their targets quickly, pulling a shot off. They stumble back, and the middle one looks around confused. I take the time to line up my shot, and fire. The bolt flies through the air with a whistle, implanting itself in the sicko's stomach.

     The injuries to the sickos wouldn't be troubling if I hadn't quite shaken the thought that these were people. The left one was shot in the heart, and it had fallen over dead. The right was shot in the leg, with Colt finishing it with a sleek knife to the neck. The middle one had the bolt wound ripping across the chest line, leaving a tear where dark red blood poured out.

     It was grasping at its chest, giving a futile attempt to hold on to life. Or, well.. their second life. Colt shoves his knife into its head, and its face freezes before sliding off the blade and collapsing to the ground.

- N I C K -

     I look over to Evan, seeing his face chopped between being impressed with his aim.. and regret. "Hey, cheer up." I say to him, and he reloads his crossbow. "They're not human at all."

     "You saw how quickly this all happened, though." Evan responds. "They were normal people a couple hours ago."

     "Past is the past." Colt responds. As much as I disliked him, he was right. "Gotta get over it."

     "Yeah, I guess so." Evan admits, finally loading the weapon and following us. As we walk down alleyways, me and JP start to drift away a bit to where we can talk privately.

     "Am I the only one that noticed how Colt dodged that question?" JP asks me. I look at him, confused. "Evan asked him where he got his weapon."

     I gasp as I realize what he's talking about. "You're right."

     "I see he likes Evan." JP says.

     "Clearly." I assert.

     "I mean, I don't know about you, but red flags are waving in my mind." JP says. "Like, all the red flags."

     "As much as I hate him.." I begin. "We should give his place a chance." JP groans, but I continue. "I don't like it either, but maybe we can check it out and leave at night."

     "Alright." He says finally, turning a corner with me and the rest. "But we need to separate Evan. He's.. stuck. Stuck with the need to repay him for saving his life."

     "And how do we do that?" I ask.

     "We talk, of course." JP responds. "Or, if that doesn't work, we get him out while we still can."

- C O L T -

     I lead the five down a sidewalk, thinking how I could convince them of Vera. It all made sense. This was a new world, and a new world meant new possibilities. So many barriers were now torn open by this event that not exploiting them would be shameful.

I could convince Evan of Vera's existence. He's in debt, and so he'll be much more malleable than the others. I debate whether to give the knife guy and Beans a chance. Joining the Circle of Vera was very prestigious, and I hope that they see it that way as well.

Unlike them, I know the truth. But not telling them isn't necessarily lying, is it? Of course it's not. It's just deceptive.. no, I don't like that word. Strategic. Ah, that's better. Besides, the characteristics needed for the next heir are so far true for Evan.

I can shape him like clay. Yes, it will take time, but I can most certainly do it. If the others won't follow, then the circle will.. fix that. Yes, this plan is great so far. The approaching dealership and the setting sun break my thoughts, and I push them back for now. Molding could wait.

"Well, guys." I begin. "Three dealerships. Be careful, and come with 3 cars."

"What types of cars?" The ginger one asks. I need to remember his name.. ah yes. Zach.

"Any." I respond with some shoulder movement. "This is a new world, you know! All rules are off!"

"Let's go!" Evan exclaims, seeing the Mercedes dealer.

JP and Nick follow each other into yeh Audi dealer, while Caden and Zach run to BMW. That leaves Evan and I to Mercedes. The perfect storm.

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