Chapter 28: Defining

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- T O R I -

"It's not my fault!" I insist, trying not to scream. I take the little journal, shoving it in my bag, and punching the air.

We were hiding out in a small building, looking on at the fire. We didn't see anyone running from the place, which surprised me. I would've thought that something like that would drive everyone in that sketchy Brooklyn Front to Manhattan or the River, but I digress.

"No, it's not your fault." Blake says, fuming. "That's why you don't get attached! Anyone can go at anytime, Tori." He's scolding at this point, and I nearly snap at him.

"Shut up, Blake." Is all that leaves my mouth. Despite his asshole-ness, I don't want to start a fight between us. That wouldn't be the best right now. "He isn't dead anyways."

     Adam scratches his head, and Catey looks to the street. I don't get why they're so doubtful. He's creative, smart.. yeah he's got this.

     "Tori.." Blake mutters, putting his head in his hands and sighing. "Don't be delusional."

     "Delusional?" I question, my eyebrows rising and my temper flaring. I lose it at that point. "He. Will. Live. Solo cierra la boca!" I emphasize my native language, which seems to have a similar effect to a mother saying their kid's full name. He knew I was ready to fight him, so he leaned back and stopped talking.


     I notice some movement across the river, and it seemed the Brooklyn Front was moving. I stand up, grasping my sword. My fingers were tight and my veins were pulsing from my anger. I take a deep breath before walking outside, loosening my grip. The others trail after me, with Blake walking next to me.

     I rush onto the bridge, where the entire population of the Brooklyn Front was walking this way. At least it seemed like it. Then I notice something much worse, which was a horde behind them. It makes sense. If the entire borough was on fire, it makes sense that the Z's would want to escape.

"You four?" I hear from Orion. He rushes over, gunfire in the background. He looked panicked. "Why are you here?"

     "Because.." Adam says slowly. "Fireworks."

     Orion chuckles, before his face turns to sorrow. And the laugh awkwardly disappears. "Our base is burning to the ground. Someone started a fire."

     "Who is that someone?" I ask, prying a little more.

     "Probably one of the gangsters." Orion says. I look around, seeing the bullets being fired.

"You may want to lower your noise." Catey says, reading my mind. She points to the gunners, and Orion nods. He disappears into the crowd.

"Guys!" I hear from behind me. I knew that voice. I turn around, seeing... Ronnie. Thank fuck. I rush that way, happiness and rage driving my feet simultaneously. He looks beat to hell, with cuts and wounds all over his body. Stupid fucker.

I get up to him, and the rage takes me over first. My hand wheels back and slaps his face. Hard. He recoils, grabbing his cheek and groaning, "The fu- maybe I deserved that."

"You're damn right you do!" Blake says, catching up with me. "You don't just leave your group like that. Look at yourself!"

"It was.. maybe.. worth it." He says, reaching into his pack and pulling a vial of some sort of liquid out. It was something none of us had ever seen before. "Found this at the safe house he was talking about."

"What is this?" Catey asks, curious.

"I'm.. not so sure." He admits. "But, I did write some of the language down. That place was absolutely a North Korean Hideout. So I'm assuming this is in Korean." He pulls a piece of paper, which has a couple lines scrolled. One was labeled 'Weird Box' and another was labeled 'Vial'.

"What do you think this is?" Adam asks.

"Are you serious?" Catey exclaims happily. "Weird foreign safe house? Vials? This has gotta be some sort of cure!"

"I mean, it was like a science lab in there." Ronnie says.

"There's no question then." Adam says optimistically. "It's gotta be a cure!"

I would've stepped in and lowered there hopes so they wouldn't be disappointed, but I stop myself. They're basically a couple thinking the world will be great. I'm okay with that.

     Ronnie suddenly runs off towards the crowd. I try calling to him to stay put, but he won't listen. He's running towards a group of 3 people.

     There were two guys and a girl. The girl looked like Kemora from when we visited the Front, But Kendra was off towards the other side, fighting the Z's. Then I remember something crucial. Kemora asked if we could find her sister. She said her sister looked just like her.

     Oh shit.

     Ronnie basically group hugs the two guys, before starting a loud conversation. Who were those two?

- R O N N I E -

    I see the two standing there. Both looked to be in bad shape, especially JP. He was carrying a big bloody cloth on his shoulder, and Nick had a towel wrapped around his leg.

     "I can't believe it's really you.." I say. "And Kemora's sister too!"

     "We thought you were dead!" Nick exclaims. I had found JP and Nick... but the other 3 were noticeably absent.

     "I thought you all were dead!" I exclaim, pulling them into a group hug. "No homo, of course."

     JP laughs, and we exit the hug. Then I ask the fatal question. "Where's the other 3?"

     JP sighs. His face fills with sorrow. "They're not dead.. I'd h-have to explain a l-long story."

     "Well tell me, please." I ask. "I've got the time." I see the sister run off, hugging Kemora and reuniting. This was great.

     "Look, short version, Evan has gone off the deep end." Nick says. "Zach and Caden followed him, and us two left."

     "Oh hell no." JP mutters, pointing towards the other side of the bridge. The gunfire had drawn a horde of 200 or so to the battle. We were now boxed in on the bridge, and the water was certainly too cold to jump into.

     "Yeah." I say, pulling my rifle. JP pulls a sword, and Nick does the same. "Tell me some other time."

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