Chapter 30: Sicko

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"What the hell was that thing?" Caden exclaims, clearly stressed. His hands were on his head as he caught his breath.

"Told you." JP says, getting a chuckle from Nick. "What did you two see outside before that thing hit the door, anyway?"

I took a gulp. "You don't want to know." Nick managed to say, clearing his throat.

"No, tell me." JP insists, turning to me. "You'll tell me, Evan. Right?"

"Um.." I stammer. I sit up, stretching my back. "Fine. Dead mutilated bodies all over the street. As bad as it sounds."

"What. The. Fuck?" Zack says, pulling his phone. "We were gaming and now this? Really?"

     "You saw that." I respond. "That thing."

"It made me sick." Nick says, looking around. "If that wasn't clear enough." He laughs, which was surprising considering the situation.

"What do we call them?" Caden asks. "I mean, if they'll make people sick.."

"Sicko Mode?" Zach asks, and we laugh. "No, seriously."

"How about Sicko?" I suggest.

"Sounds about right." Caden says.

"If we're doing memes, what about a video game reference?" JP asks. "Like, I don't know.. Wasted?"

"I like Sicko Mode better." Zach says. Caden nods in agreement.

"Well then, fuck me sideways." JP says, laughing some more. "No homo."

"Pretty homo." Zach mentions.

"Oohhhh yeahhh!!!" Nick says in a deep voice, and it gets a laugh out of all of us. Even in this, we're still laughing. That's good news.

"Oh." I say, as a vibration from my phone takes my attention. I pull it out, seeing Ronnie calling me. I touch my finger to the screen quickly, swiping the button and holding the device to my ear.

"Ronnie?" I say, frantic in my tone. "Where the fuck did you go?"

     "I'm.." His voice comes from the phone, in a noticeable stutter and heavy breathing. "In an apartment." He begins. "Or a townhouse, I'm not sure. Where are you?"

     "We're in Central Park." I say. There's shuffling in the other side, and I hear groans from outside. "On the outskirts." I continue.

     The other 4 had stood up and gathered around, so I turn the volume up to the point that they can hear. I didn't want to do speaker phone right now.

     "Well I gotta meet up with you." He says, the sound of hard steps in the phone. "I'll pull up an address. Still have service."

     After an awkwardly long silence where all of us were on edge, he spoke again. "56th and 5th." He stammers. "So I'm kind of trapped, so you may need to come to me."

     "Boy we got problems too." I say, and this time I don't get a laugh from either side of the phone. Then I get a question. "Is it just you? I thought Ashley ran with you."

     "Um... I.."

     "You what?" I ask, a little worried. His tone was way different here.

     "She's dead." He blurts out, and my eyes widen in terror and I let out a small gasp. There's no damn way. My eyes flash to the other 4. They look just as surprised as I am, if not horrified.

     "She's what?!" I ask, in disbelief. "How?"

     "O-one of the monsters. They got her." He says, and I lose any response I would have had the death in the streets, the ferocity of these creatures...

     There was nothing but silence from either of us for some time. "You said 56th and 5th?" I finally question.

"Y-Yeah." He confirms. "I gotta conserve battery. I'll talk soon."

"Don't leave that house." I say quickly. "Wait, Don't Han-" the call ends and the picture of me and the football team takes up my home screen. "Damnit."

     "We gotta get a map." Caden says, shook a bit. "We gotta stick together and leave this place."

     "Agreed." I say, and we dash into a building to keep from being seen. "But where the hell do we find maps?"

     "This is Central Park." Zach says logically. "It's a big tourist attraction, so a map has gotta be here somewhere. We just need to figure out where to look."

     "What if there are more of those sickos out there?" Nick asks, getting used to the new term.

     "We run." JP casually responds, walking to the door. "Worked last time."

     "I hope you're right." Nick responds, and we all look towards the door. The only light in here was coming through small venting at the top of the walls. We had evidently missed the light switch. We were all waiting for who would go first.

     The answer was JP. He walks out, followed by myself, then Caden, then Nick, and finally, Zach. I dash behind JP, keeping up with his rapid pace. The only sound we make is that of crushing grass, and whispers between Nick and Caden.

I see a couple of sickos on the street. The were either looking around or bent over in the street. One of them was eating a.. corpse. This was something so disgusting.

JP motions for us to get down, and so we try. It's not like we had much practice, though. Nick doesn't get the memo, and some of the sickos see us. One lets out an ear-piercing scream, and it gets the attention of the rest. My hands shoot up to my ears, as my eardrums feel like they're being blown up.

I look up from the scream, seeing that the other 4 were running already. My legs carry me after them, and the sickos follow. My eyes were wide with terror, and my brain was racing. This was worse than any nightmare I'd had.

My lungs were aching, and my breath was running out. The leaves crunched under me, and the sickos get closer every second. I see one person appear behind the other 4. He looks to be East Asian, and had a metal rod in his hand.

"Duck." I hear him say, and so I oblige. I run past him and look back, to see a Sicko being smacked with the rod. The metal clangs against the sicko's head, and it flies back into the others. The man turns around and runs, and so I follow. I see JP and co run into a small lunch room, and the guy and I follow.

"Thanks." I mention, and the guy looks at me. He was sweating and had semi-long blonde hair.

"No problem." He says, with a noticeable accent. "Name's Colt."

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