Chapter 1: The Flight

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"I can't believe you had baked beans for breakfast," I say to JP, rolling my eyes.

"I can't believe security made me throw them away," JP responds. "They're beans. There's no way I can make a bomb out of those."

"I wonder what it was like before this airport security," I state, thinking aloud. "Did they just, you know, walk straight through?"

"I guess," JP answers. "What else would they need, Ronnie?"

"Good point," I admit, sitting at our terminal in Tulsa. We were in B12, awaiting our flight to New York.

"Must be so weird," Evan exclaims, sitting comfortably in the seat to my left. "The idea of not getting haggled and throwing your beans away."

"I mean, they're just trying to cop a feel, you know?" Nick says a little too loudly.

"Woah!" I laugh. "That escalated quickly."

"This talk is still going on?" Caden laughs, sitting across from us and plugging his phone into a bright white charging station.

"Yeah," Evan says. "Kind of annoying."

"I'm just going to game on the plane," Zach interjects, sitting next to Caden.

"Does the inner nerd," I begin, and Zach laughs. "Realize you need WiFi for that?"

"Oh, I paid," Zach retorts.

"Ooh! Can I get the password?" Caden asks quickly. His dyed blonde hair almost slaps Zach in the face.

"You didn't make the nerd joke, so sure," He says, glaring half-heartedly at me.

"Ahh," I say. "And how shall I repay you, for thy WiFi?" Nick starts laughing.

"Well," Zach begins. "You all roasted me because I had red hair the entire way here. Roast blondie over here to shift focus."

"It's always me," Evan says, and I begin laughing. "Always."

"One roast, inbound," I say, and JP is cracking up.

"But seriously, fuck you," Evan says, finally sitting next to Zach.

"Noted," I begin. "Evan, your hair lo-"

My roast is interrupted by the loudspeaker of the gatekeeper. "Groups one and two are boarding now." That's u-

"That's us," Nick says, beating me to it. I grab my drawstring bag and the others follow suit. All of them had school spirit merch embroidered on the back.

We walk to the line, and within a couple of seconds, Caden and Zach were already debating things in video games. After that, we eventually found our seats in the middle of the plane. I was next to JP and Caden.

The whole flight prep was very quick, as we were heading for Charlotte and had an incredibly brief layover. Quite frankly, too brief. It would basically be a mad dash to our gate, and I wasn't looking forward to it. Not because it was physically challenging for any of us, but because of the crowds and scale of Charlotte.

I feel the plane liftoff, and looking out the window reveals our ascent above Tulsa's skyline. It was so early in the morning that the sun hadn't even come up yet. Nick had had to take a week off of his martial arts training to come on this field trip. Evan had to take a week off from his Dominos gig, and the rest of us didn't have jobs.

I think JP had a meltdown that he wasn't looking at memes for now, and Zach that he didn't have his Xbox. I was more bored than anything else. I liked to get up and do things, and when you're seated for a flight, that doesn't go to plan.

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