Chapter 6: Defense

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I immediately grab my Glock, leaning out of bed as quietly as possible. Murmuring and whispering were happening downstairs. It had to be robbers. Who else would break through that window?

"Evan?" I call out, not realizing what I'd done until the word escaped my mouth. The talking goes completely silent, and white noise returns to fill the air.

"Get him!" I hear, and steps quickly make their way around the first floor to find the stairway. I get up and run with my gun to the stairway, as a man runs up. I aim, realizing too late I forgot to load my magazine into the pistol when I got up from the dream.

It could get worse.

I hit his head with the pistol, and he steps back, holding his head. Another guy runs up after him, and the first guy charges me. They both have to be in their early thirties. He slams me to the ground, hands around my throat. He was going to kill me. I couldn't let that happen.

My feet come up above my stomach and press to his chest. I use that moment to spit in his face, which disoriented him for a second. I use that time to kick him off me, and he doubles in pain. I then kick him off the end of the stairs, and he goes through the railing before hitting the bottom.

I get up, panting, and surprised that I just did that. I run back to the bedroom, hearing a ruckus. The second one was searching through my bag of supplies. That bastard.

     "You got him, Kas?" He asks aloud. When I start running towards the door and he hears no response, he rushes to slam the door. I crash through just as he makes it, and we both fall to the ground. "Gimme your shit or you getting clapped!"

     "Fuck you!" I say, rushing to the bedside to grab my mag. The second man had a bandana and a leather jacket. As soon as my hands grab the mag, I'm tackled to the ground.

     I hold tight as I wiggle out of his grasp. He stands near one of the windows, and our loaded guns are pointed right at each other. I'm scared as hell now.

     "If you think youse gonna pull the trigger first, you dead wrong." He says. "I was born in the streets! Gimme your shit unless you want your young ass popped!"

     My head leans down a little bit in disappointment. But then, an idea springs up in my head. He wouldn't expect it - he couldn't expect it.

     "Fine," I say, holding my gun up to the roof. As soon as he gets near the sack, I fire off my gun and it busts the latch of the attic door. The huge mass swings down at its irregular speed. He doesn't see it because of the gunshot taking his attention until it's too late. The door slams into him and sends him flying out one of the big windows.

     He lands on his back in the street and the other one who he called Kas rushed out behind him through the front door. I watch as Kas looks up into the broken window and sees me.

     But I'm not worried about those two. I'm worried about the Z's that were surrounding them. 5 of them stood around them, with either a deformed grin or blood-soaked teeth.

     In a flash, they lunged at the two and I looked away. Even if they had just tried to kill me, the Z's were so terrifying. Nothing about them made sense at all. Only I turned away too quickly. My foot rams into the bag, not only stubbing my toe but impacting a metal can.

     It made a loud enough to sound to attract those things, as I heard footsteps rush into the house. I grabbed my pack and started climbing the attic stairs. I felt its fingers brush on my shoes. I kicked and made it into the attic with my bag.

     I turn around and look back at the figure. It had that crooked smile and I tried to shut the door. It was starting to.. oh god.. climb. As if they couldn't get freakier. I shoot it, and it collapses to the ground.

Killing one wasn't physically hard with a gun, but I imagine it would be tougher with something Melee. But that used to be a person. Or did it?

I shudder but manage to pull the attic door up as footsteps started on the stairs. The door comes up and I stand up, assessing the damage to myself. The tackle got a couple of cuts on my body, and that first dude didn't do more than a mark on my neck.

I grab my stuff and walk across the wooden panels, careful not to fall off and blast through the roof panels. That would be very, very bad.

I open the door to the balcony and walk outside, observing my surroundings. There were more Z's due to the gunshot, and so I pulled back from the railing edge. I was stuck up here, panting.

I was stuck, but hopefully safe. They couldn't climb walls, could they? I hope the fuck not. They shouldn't be able to. But a lot of stuff I thought couldn't happen in the last 24 hours happened. I was scared and relieved at the same time. And what the hell was that dream?

My thoughts are replaced as my eyes catch sight of three people. I hoped for Nick or JP, but it was 3 people I didn't know. They seemed to be teenagers and were looking at me. They were on the balcony across from me.

"You need to jump over here." One of them says.

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