Chapter 18: New Discoveries

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"Fight or flight?" I ask, as they near. They were all running, and were about 500 feet away.

"Come here." I hear from my right. We turn our heads and see a girl in a doorway of a building. She had a cloak on, and was standing inside a skyscraper. We all looked at each other, and in consensus, ran to her. We stepped inside the building, and she threw something outside onto the road.

I hear an alarm from it as she locks the door. It's a clock used as a decoy. That's smart. She puts her finger over her mouth, signaling for quiet. The Z's could be heard outside, running past the building and towards the clock.

     The girl turns around, pulling down her cloak and fiddling with a clock. She has a skinny face with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She's average height- I guess around 5'4?

"Thanks for that." I say, reloading my gun.

"No problem." She says in a distinct Irish accent, fastening another clock to her belt. It was an interesting solution she had there. "Aren't you all smart enough not to walk in open streets?"

"We're going somewhere." Catey begins, "What are you doing here?" The building looked nothing like living quarters, so she had a point.

"Heard commotion, thought I'd watch." She says. "I ask the same to you. What were you doing on the streets like that? Like, specific. I like details."

"We're going to a place called the Brooklyn Front." Blake says. "You know anything about it?"

"Yeah, a lot." She says. "I used to stay there."

"Oh?" I say. "Then can you tell us some stuff about them?"

"Before I do that." She begins. "What are YOUR names, and where are YOU from?"

"I'm Ronnie." I begin. "This is Tori, Adam, Blake, and Catey. We're from The Battery."

"Like, a settlement?" She asks.

"Yup." Tori says. "Oh, what's your name?"

"Call me Eagle." She says, an emotionless frown on her face.

"Okay." I say, not wanting to question her further. "So, about the front?"

"Yeah." Eagle says. "Look. It's run by these two guys named Orion and Skippy. They've got a load of weapons. Don't piss them off."

"Good to know." Blake says.

"Ima get moving." Eagle says. "I don't stay in one spot like you settlement guys. See you again, maybe."

She dashed out of the building, and we walk to a back exit to avoid the Z's outside. We dart into a small alley and out onto Wall Street. I'd heard so much about this one road. I think it's safe to say it disappoints.

We dash to the east and onto FDR Drive, about half a mile from the Brooklyn Bridge.

"That alley fucking stunk." Blake complains.

"Shut up, Blake." Adam retorts.

"Shut up, Adam." Blake retorts.

This went on for sometime after they drowned themselves out with their own laughter. I joined in, and before we knew it, we had gotten to the Brooklyn Bridge.

"So what was up with that Eagle girl?" I ask.

"No clue." Catey says.

"She shoulda called herself timekeep." Blake laughs.

     I laugh with them as I look out onto the Upper Bay. This place, even in this hell, had some nice scenery to it. The sky was bright blue, the water was dark blue, and the horizon was yellow with a sunrise.

     From the sky, this place was beautiful. In the streets, however..

     We get to the other side of the bridge, with not much looking different. Same old buildings and towers lining the shores. To the left looked more upscale, though. We walk into Brooklyn, now relying on Tori to navigate. She wouldn't have to do much though, as it was very close to the bridge's end.

     The courthouse was as imposing as it sounded. Tall, thick pillars lined the front entrance, looking very reminiscent of the Supreme Court in Washington. It looked to be 4 stories tall, as there were windows in four different layers.

     In front were some kids on guard duty. They were wearing motorcycle helmets and coats. It was getting colder, now that I think about it. There wasn't snow, but it was pretty cool.

     "Who are you?" One of the kids asks, as another grabs a rifle. He points it at us.

     "Woah! We don't mean harm!" Blake yells.

     "Pussy." Adam whispers.

     "Adam, just shut up!" Blake yells, half laughing. He turns back around to face the guard. "We aren't trying to raid you or something. We heard the radio call. Just let us in."

     The kid reluctantly agrees, lowering his gun and allows us inside. We walk into the courtyard, toward the structure. The kid follows us the whole way. He was probably, I don't know, 14 years? He was young, and that helmet didn't fit very well. I was giggling at it, but it was disguised by Blake and Adam's conversation. They were like annoying brothers.

     "It's called being diplomatic, idiot." Blake says to Adam.

     "Nah, you surrendered our asses." Adam says. "Nuthole."

     "Nutbag!" Blake retorts.

     "Fuckshit." Adam fires back.

     "Cut it out, will you?" Catey asks. "Now I want some peanuts or something."

     The two start laughing their asses off as Catey laughs along. She just diffused it like a champ. Me and Tori join in, laughing out way up to the courthouse.

     The kid opens the door, and we head inside. The building was huge on the inside, for New York standards. There was plenty of room here for people.

     I could see at least 20 kids in this main lobby. Some were playing football, some were doing chess, and some were doing jump rope. This must be a dream for one of my old school teachers.

     A guy then walks out, looking 19 and a tad bit taller than me. His black hair was overflowing on the sides of his head, and his arms were in a welcoming pose.

     "Welcome to the Brooklyn Front." He says.

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