Chapter 34: Auto

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- E V A N -

"Yeah, they don't have these dealerships in Tulsa." I say, looking inside the immense underground parking space. There were so many choices, ranging from SUV's and sedans to some I recognized, like an AMG GT and a G-Wagon.

"Yeah, it's cool, isn't it?" Colt states, looking around. I didn't realize he had walked in with me.

     "Yeah." I say, taking a glance at both the GT and Wagon. "Which should we take?"

     "I think we'd fight on which one gets to drive in the GT." Colt says. "Let's take the Wagon."

     I sigh, disappointed but seeing his logic. We walk to the back of the dealer, seeing the lobby and back hallway. The keys must be back here somewhere.

     "Evan, watch my back." Colt says, readying his MK11 and slowly walking down the hall. I ready my crossbow and do as I'm told, figuring it will work the best.

     I bump into Colt's back, as he had stopped. I turn around to see why he stopped, and see two sickos at the end of the hall. They were.. eating another person...

     They look up at us, glaring with glowing eyes. The dying person was coughing up blood and bleeding severely. I lock up, feeling nothing but fear. It was so unbelievably fear inducing. Even more so when they lurched out at us.

     An explosion fills the corridor, followed by a second and a third. It was Colt firing. I see blood fly from the bodies, and they fly back into the walls. Colt shoves his knife into one of them, and shoots the other. We look at the person on the ground, and see that the girl was convulsing violently.

     It's absolutely terrifying. The body continued to shake around, and the veins were starting to glow a deep red below her skin. Her mouth opens, spewing blood all over the wall to her left. I shoot my bolt into her head, and the shaking immediately stops. I couldn't take that any longer.

     "Disgusting." I mutter, and Colt puts a hand on my shoulder. "Let's find the damn key."

     "Agreed." Colt says, walking into an adjacent room. "That didn't take long." I follow him in, seeing the long line of lockers organized neatly into car models. We walk to the one with the G-Wagon logo, seeing the key needed.

     "Oh hell." Colt says. "We need to find a key." He storms out of the room, searching the front counter. All the drawers fly open, one by one, and he gets more frustrated with each one. "They aren't in here." He mutters, slamming one shut.

     "The bodies.." I mutter, immediately wishing I hadn't said anything. We'd have to search the bodies.

     "Smart thinking." Colt says, walking past me and down the hall again. Why'd I have to say that?

     We walk to the three bodies sprawled on the ground, seeing one had a guard outfit and the other two were employees. Colt reaches for the pockets of one of the employees. Reluctantly, I reach towards the other one. She was the one that was alive a minute ago.

     I cringe as my hand feels warm blood in the pockets. I scrunch my face up, disgusted. Regardless, I fell around the pockets and reach something hard. I grab it, realizing I had found what we were looking for.

     I rip my hand out of the pocket, seeing it stained red. I'm so disgusted that the key falls out of my hand. "That's it." I mutter, trying to shake the blood off.

     "Took one for the team, I guess." Colt says, picking up the key and inspecting it. "It says master key. This should work."

     I try to wipe my hand on the wall, getting some of it of. Then I follow Colt back into the wall. He inserts the key into the locker, and to my relief, it opens. He reaches in, and pulls out a key fob. "Got it."

     "Let's try it." I say, following Colt out of the hall and towards the showroom. The wagon was sitting right there, ready for the taking. Maybe it's looting, but who will know? No one will care, I'm sure.  "I want to drive."

     Colt tosses the keys after a slight hesitation. "Knock yourself out." I giggle, catching them easily and walking to the driver's side. I push the unlock key, and the door unlocks. The door opens before I climb inside, starting the car. The engine roars to life, and the rev gage kicks to the right before gliding back to 1000.

     Colt hops in, the suspension of the car shifting as he closes the door. "Wonder what they got for their choice."

     "This should be interesting." I say, looking at the controls. I had only driven a little bit on country roads in Oklahoma. This would be news although there would be no traffic.. I hope.

     I shift the SUV into gear, pushing lightly on the pedal and easing out of the showroom. The open garage door from earlier is where we exit, and we enter the street. The other 4 awaited, ready to drive.

     Caden and Zach has grabbed a Guilia Quadrifoglio, from the Alf's dealer, and I doubt they could even say the name right. JP and Nick had not disappointed, sitting in a BMW i8. It was white with blue accents, and the Alfa was a dark red. Both had black rims. My G-Wagon was dark black with silver rims.

     We drive in front of them, Caden following close behind and JP bringing up the rear. We cruise down the street, sticking to the center of the lane to avoid the abandoned taxis. We had to stop a couple times to slowly navigate the maze, realizing quickly that clearing a road out around wherever we went would be a necessity.

     "Look. That should be it." Colt says, pointing to an upcoming street sign. It read "56th and 5th," signaling where Ronnie would be. I hadn't checked my phone in a while, trying to focus on not hitting anything.

     "Great." I say, parking the car in the intersection and hopping out.

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